Toon comparison

I'm working concurrently on a Flash animated series, a motion comic and a Carrara (cell style) animated short all using the same characters.
I thought it would be interesting to stick the Flash rig alongside the Carrara rig. :)

900 x 750 - 2M
Thats Nice! Thanks for sharing that. Are you using Toon Pro!?
The character on the left is drawn and rigged in flash. The Carrara rig is YAToon applied to the shaders.
The character on the left is drawn and rigged in flash. The Carrara rig is YAToon applied to the shaders.
Thanks for the Information. I am just getting started in Toon look. When you render do you use things like Skylight or the Full GI or all off?
This was just out of the box. Didn't change any of the render settings.