Daz 4.5 Broke My Reality 2.2

MistaD2047MistaD2047 Posts: 335

So I just recently downloaded and installed Daz Studio Pro 4.5 and everything seems to work fine so far... Well except that my Reality just doesn't work.

I've re-installed and it still didn't show up so I re-downloaded and re-installed and still nothing. This is not a good thing since I use Luxrender for some of my renders and the only bridge to Luxrender is Reality. This puts a damper into my Lux Renders.

Needless to say I want my reality back but I'd like to play around with Daz 4.5 but with this issues I may need to reinstall Daz 4.0.

Anyone else that has Reality having this issue?

I found the Answer at this link http://preta3d.com/blog/2012/05/19/reality-and-studio-4-5/

Post edited by MistaD2047 on


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    4.0 plugins don't work with 4.5. This was stated on the forum thread with the 4.5 download.

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