Face to Face Autopose Arms

I cannot pose the hand of one G8 figure onto the shoulder of another G8 figure. Anytime I try, it poses the hand on the shoulder of the same figure.

For example, If I select the shoulder of figure B as the target and and then the hand of figure A to reach for the target, and run the script, it will pose the hand of figure A onto the shoulder of figure A, even though I didn't even put a target there. It basically is moving the targeted shoulder from figure B to figure A on its own.

I have watched the videos and read the PDF. It seems like this should be a simple process but it is not working for me. 

I could find no other discussion threads on this at all.  Ironically, I used to use mcasual's script for this in the past, and that worked flawlessly. I bought this because I thought it would be easier but I think I was mistaken.


  • Ok, I restarted Daz and now it is working all of a sudden. I noticed the script  "Activate Face Selection" is a little twitchy. I think that is the problem. Using "Alt-shift+G" to directly access Geometry Editor to do the selection rather than using the included "Activate Face Selection" script seems to be the fix. I only have issue when using that script for some reason. Sorry for making this thread. It can be ignored now. 

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