G3 Eyelashes after Morph
![BlackTalon Arts](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/45291188c450edc2267fc3199ccc3d74?&r=pg&s=100&d=https%3A%2F%2Fvanillicon.com%2F45291188c450edc2267fc3199ccc3d74_100.png)
Not sure if this is the place that I post this thread, but I've created a custom morph for G3 in Zbrush and I hid the eyelashes while I sculpted the eyes, but now of course the eyelashes are not fitting the mesh. Does anyone have tips, suggestions or fixes for this? All "helpful" input is greatly appreciated! :)
Other than painstakingly, manually tweaking them back into place...nope (I do that in Blender quite often, myself).
Painstakingly is correct...just crazy in fact and was hoping there was an easier way.
I'm sure there is, but I haven't found it...I've scrapped a couple of heads and started over, because it was easier in the end to do it that way.
Yea, I basically just did the same thing...shame because I had a beautiful morph. :(
Shift control the lashes to hide them, Control click an empty place on the document to mask all visible. Shift ctrl click an empty place on the document and the lashes appear (it just makes all visible again). Now everything but the lashes are masked.
Use a largish move brush and with the center on the lashline (since falloff is radially out from center) begin to gently move the lashes in place on the rims. You can also paint a mask on the lower lashes so you only work the top. Adjust your brush size, you will find the right size which moves the right amount with practice. Repeat again for the lower lashes if you masked them before.
Thanks Cris! That's exactly what I was doing and i thought to myself "surely there is a simpler way" der, not happening. haha. patience and practice I suppose. :) Thank you both for your input. :)
This is a recent eye morph where I needed to really move the lashes a lot not only to conform to the eye shape but to not dig into the enlarged brow bone. http://prntscr.com/913q8o