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RPG character portrait for a Cyberpunk Red game I am in. Dancer is one of the nomadic roadwarrior types. She usually races ahead of the convoy on her motorcycle, but I paid a nice modeling fee (& some contraband beer) to persuade her to pose on the guardrail along the The background sky, rock, and plants is a photo I took at Petit Jean Mountain in Arkansas. Other never-used sets: (boots)
#AllNew #StuffSoAncient
Another of my Cyberpunk RED RPG characters. The Fashionista is a minor Media personality. In Prime Time she starting giving weather reports and now does fashion features and interviews hot musicians. Off-the-record she and her activist and hactivist friends look for All.The. Dirt (and worse things) the all-powerful corporations are hiding, disguising, and denying.
The newest of these "never rendered by me" models are the & (Jacket), both from 2020 -- I hope they are sufficiently ancient! The oldest is (2010), which I updated with Iray shaders from my extensive collection.
The other Ancients: (2014) I just got this with last month's Freebie Frenzy code but it's G1 era, so I am counting it Boots (2015) (2016) (2017) (2018)
Eleanor as Madame Bleu
My first opportunity to use some (fairly) new items - Eleanor for Genesis 9 and the Madame Bleu outfit (both from the December Holidaz sale - yes, I'm always behind in my renders!)
I have bought ... so much stuff since last spring. I'm still testing stuff that I bought way back when. This one is a mix of things I just got in this current epic Wishlist sale and some things I'm still checking off the list. I can't believe it's taken this long for me to get to "The Stable".
"Morning Chat"
@paulawp Nice render. Very sweet.
I hear you on being behind. A couple months ago, I made a resolution to start trying out the new items I purchase immediately, just in case it has a problem. At the least, I do quick things - does it load, any missing file alerts, will it convert/autofit well if older, etc. If I have any doubts about whether my system can handle it, I prioritize trying it out.
I still haven't tried out all the things I bought back in November and December, so I used Daz+ weekly contest to use some of the things, so I'll share it here as well. (Got to keep the thread alive, right?)
I Can't Believe We Crashed Again...!
#4New (technically, one of them is from this month)
Lost Pathway, Alia Lvl 4 HD for G8F, Augmentation Outfit for G8F, and XI Cyberpunk Offroader. The remaining item(s) in the gallery.
Recently upgraded from a 3050 to a 4060 ti, twice the VRAM. I'd been running through the same-old with it since I bought it, then it dawned on me last night: Finally, I can do a scene with multiple figures and a mist environment. (obscured by focus)
plus some hairs
#Random Theme - I very rarely do Sci Fi images so I thought I'd add this one
This is the first time I have used
Collective3d portrait vignettes sci-fi 3 and
MMX Resource Saver Shaders Collection 3 for Iray
#4New #RandomTheme
Because I've never done a cheesy glam stage-with-bright-shiny-lights render. Also, because most (though not all) of this stuff is new to me this month.
#AllNew #RandomTheme
Out of the blue I thought to myself: "Cyber Fae!!".
And that's, what I did
Splice HD Morph for Genesis 8 Females
ExMachina Wings for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Gnomely for Genesis 9
The Alchemist Workshop Bundle
Dolly for Genesis 8 Female
Wow, acb, this is such a cool idea and fun render. Well done!
And a follow-up ...
... and cleaned and recharged.
Pudgy the Corgi
Just me, testing some new flowers I've picked up in recent weeks and hadn't used yet. Oh, and a tank, and some other stuff.
(Just a smidge, with other shapes and morphs, on a Face Transfer 2 character)
(bought it a while ago, but since I didn't know at the time how to create a geoshell - or that I needed to - I don't think I've used it for a formal render)
and umpteen flowers, including:
Well, as part of the rather odd "Banana Punk" theme that was picked on the (unofficial) Daz3D Slackers Discord, we ended up with my ratling tech-scavenger eating a banana on her way into the undercity.
Gallery Link
I believe this is the first time I've used (in increasing order of shame):
Streetwear for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female (bought 2024-03-29, so at least this one's within the last month...)
Light The Way (2022-09-28)
Spaceship Jumpsuit Outfit for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females (2021-11-26)
The Silent City (2021-07-18)
Modular Bailey Bridge Construction Kit (2020-12-19)
The Divide Outfit and Props for Genesis 8 Female(s) (2020-08-16)
Quite a lot of sci-fi stuff I said I'd try to shoehorn into Warhammer 40000 themed renders and hadn't got around to yet.
Two new, and two, er, less new. But probably never used.
I love seeing this thread pop up with new renders. Love them! Thanks for sharing!
I have a project of mine to share that got it's initial inspiration for the visuals from this thread. I'm cross posting this from the DAZ April Challenge.
I was working on a gothic metal song for a challenge at the end of last year (my first 'metal' track ever and it was so much fun), and I wanted to do a music video for it. The idea behind this thread was fresh in my mind, and so I wanted to use stuff I hadn't used before. Soon Sickleyield's Spiderfolk came to mind and the story shaped itself as I worked on the song. It was the perfect fit: A dramatic gothic romance with a lot of symbolism.
Though the idea was there, it took me a while to actually remember to work on it and finish it up. The DAZ April Challenge was the final kick in the rear I need to finish it up. The story premise is as follows: Lovelorn Lady Spider welcomes starry-eyed visitors to her cave with all the love she feels. She is however unaware that it is her powerful pheromones that draw them near, drive their infatuation, and ultimately lead to...
Anyone coming here from Spiderfolk's texture add-on - there's an issue I had of the textures never rendering in the right place after moving and posing the Spider, which I noted at least one other person had in the forums without solution. The best of the solutions I found is to pose everything as you like, then unparent the texture set, and set all transforms of the texture add-on to 0. Now it will render in the right location. If you want to change the pose again, fit the texture add-on back to Spiderfolk and repeat the process.
Also, I finally got to use Ron's Cobweb and Spiderweb brushes. Technically they're ancient with their 4 digit SKU's, but they're amazing and were indispensible for these renders.
This is fantastic!
And although your music is always great, this time you also directly hit my general musical taste!
acb Oh my gosh, thank you so so much!

I'm very glad you enjoyed this. It's my first time doing something 'metal', but I quickly realized that 'gothic symphonic metal' resonates a lot with me, so I'll definitely be doing more in this genre. And the DAZ store is a such treasure trove for ideas for gothic stories! I've already set aside RawArt's BlutStone for another song and video. 
So many untested things, some dating back into last year ...
Which I have used in a render that got shared.
#AnythingGoes but #4New could work if the modifications I did on the bike count (their parked pose is using these modifications, but the one main, the morphable and rigged saddle is only visible on the blue bike and is hidden behind one of the two bigger birds
So, Peaceful birds, because calling this render "Destroyers of Worms" didn't felt right with the peaceful atmosphere
#anything goes
Stumbled upon a dress of a never used older G2F outfit and decided to make a pinup (click to enlarge):
Also never used before and
I love esha's
boots and stocking from
character Mei Lin 6
I am calling these #AnythingGoes but if we had a mock tag of #AllOfTheAbove, that would work too. These are quick NPC portraits for my Cyberpunk game. So they just have single color backdrops and I wasn't really concerned about things like whether shoe fits were perfect, or if anyone could tell how many figure generations I used if I didn't list them. I was mainly having fun trying out what I found and hoping to add a bit to my upcoming game. One cool thing about doing Cyberpunk RPG inspired pictures is that the people will wear all kinds of stuff. Including getting their whole body modified to look exactly like their favorite fictional elf & dressing the part! And yes, I actually used a G9 character.
Because I used so. Many. Things in the 3 pictures, I am just listing them without links, but all products are still in the store. I also made use of 3DStyle/DO Cyberpunk Gadgets for G8
Lee 8 (Scott hair G3M, 50s Fab for G8M); Sol G8F (Mega Wardrobe G8F, Fisty & Darc Morphing Boots G8F, Apple Hair G3F)
Fabrice 9 (G9 base tee, G3M Sweatsuit, Twisted Braids G3F); Raze G8M (Traveller G3M, Glow-fi hair G3); Clarity G8 (Rocker outift G3F, Omri hair G3F)
Millawa 8 (Pastel Goth G8F, Edit hair G3F); G8M (HFS Ultimate Shapes Elf, Ancient Combat hair G2M, Peasant outfit G3M); G2F (Casual Jeans & T-shirt G2F, Sporty Braid G2F)
This is mostly under #AnythingGoes for the Wind Warrior Outfit that I bought back in 2019, but I think there's a few other things in here I've not used before, like The Tower Remains.
In any case, I'm continuing on the principle that all of the skimpy outfits I've bought and then realised I don't actually use get converted to go on a horse.
Gallery Link
This, sir, is the apex of alpha centaur archery awesomeness! Stunning!
This thread is so cool! And SapphireBlue's got music videos too! What a treat! If I knew about things like this on the forum I wouldn't get so many deletions.
The Whisper of the River
I bought the Lakeside cabin and pier set with this render in mind. I was trying to capture the feel of a hot summer afternoon on an old dock by a lazy stream.
1stBastions Highland Lakeside Cabin and Dock
Well, a while back, I started a series of "justifying" all the skimpy outfits I'd bought and then never used by adapting them for one of my centaur characters.
And indeed, working on Linday's skimpy elf ranger outfit reminded me I also had their skimpy Sci-Fi Pilot Outfit and never used that either, so here's a render fresh from the graphics card:
Gallery Link
Centaurs may not make the best skimpily dressed spacefighter pilots. Anyway, I think this is a first use for all of the following (and the dates I bought them...)
(Fuller product list at the gallery link.)
It's certainly nicer to come here and actually do art rather than spend the entire time complaining about products and programs.
Now THAT is brilliant! I love the look on her face as she tries to pull her horse-end into the cockpit!
Great job on all these fits you've managed.
Hahaha! She's never gonna get that in the cockpit. Baby got too much back!
Fallout's been on people's minds somewhat of late, so using it as an opportunity to put a few buys to use:
German Shepherd for Daz Dog 8 (Bought 2020-06-24)
DA Let There Be Moss (2021-09-29)
The FoliageMaker (2023-10-01)
Mega Trash Pack (2024-02-28)
Car Breakers (2024-05-28, which I actually bought with this scene in mind)
Some of those are within the last year, which I'll take as an improvement in my buying habits...
Gallery Link
The vault suit and Pipboy are modified from game assets, which reasonably falls within Bethesda's stance on use of their game assets, but most other assets are listed on the gallery page. (Including a rare case of me using clothing actually originally intended for centaurs; the leather Cypruss Armour reminded me quite a lot of the strapped on leather armour you see in FO4).
Some of those may also be first uses, but I'm less sure about them, so I'm not counting them towards the challenge.
That render has indeed been done:
Gallery Link