DAZ 4.22 Crashing while Rendering

Recently updated to DAZ 4.22. Am now seeing crashes while rendering, simple scenes (1-2 figures, little to no background). Updated NVIDIA Driver, no hardware issues that I can see.
Very repeatable, can render once or twice before the application crashes. Have to start over. Error message below:
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\libiray.dll" at 0033:00000000B881BBDB, mi_plugin_factory()+2658315 byte(s)
Anyone else having similar issues? And is there a way to roll back to the previous version? I used the auto update option on DazCentral, so that might be my undoing.
Do you happen to use any hair from OOT (out of touch) ?
I do, is their hair known to have issues? In fact, I use a lot of their stuff.
I have experienced this a few times so far. No OOT hair. "Fatal Error"
I just restart my computer, fire up studio and try again. This time it seems to work.
In my case it always seems to happen when I'm busy doing something online and I realize I have a whole lot of tabs open. I think this chews up a lot of resources and eventually pisses off Iray.
There won't be crash if you have latest hair shaders from OOT. Check if there's any update from OOT hairs in DIM, and: your Daz Library\data\outoftouch\OOT Hairblending 2\, in subfolder there're 2 dsf files: Cap.dsf (should be dated Jul 9, 2023), OOT Hairblending Hair.dsf (dated Jan 25, 2023).
Or, try with the 2nd screenshot.
I'll look at that. Thank you both for your help, much appreciated :)
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\libiray.dll" at 0033:00000000EF83BBDB, mi_plugin_factory()+2658315 byte(s)
Updated OOT up-do from DIM, still crashes.
Make sure you don't have a Connect install with an older version of the shared file, and that you don't have an instalaltion in another content directory with an older version of the file - it is one of
/data/outoftouch/OOT Hairblending 2/OOT Hairblending 2 Cap/Cap.dsf
/data/outoftouch/OOT Hairblending 2/OOT Hairblending 2 Hair/OOT Hairblending Hair.dsf
as I recall.
Pls try: Press F2 in Ds, General tab - clear DSON cache files, reload the hair in the scene, Render.
I had the same issue. I can confirm the problem was fixed after uninstalling and reinstalling all of my Out of Touch hair products.
Funnily enough, the Out of Touch 'Dark Ponytail Hair' that I downloaded from Renderosity and manually installed worked just fine and did not cause a fatal error crash.
That's right... 'cause Dark Ponytail just uses Iray Uber shader rather than OOT's "Blended shaders..." .
I will give this a try when time allows, thank you.
With the same problem in DAZ, only your suggestion worked for me. Thank you.