Aim & Shoot for G3

I am in dire need of bow poses for G3. While ZevO and DraagonStorms Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter is very good, it can't for some reason convert Aim & Shoot from G2 to G3. There are other conversion programs. Will they work? Anyone who has tested and succeded?
Otherwise are bow poses for G3 highest on my wishlist!
Post edited by reserv888 on
There is a support thread for the pose covnertors here:
Have you tried asking DS and Zev0?. They are pretty good with answering posts.
Aim & Shoot are Heirarchial Pose Presets so that both G2 and the bow and arrow are posed at the same time. Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter will only work with Pose Presets. So that is why the converter does not work. The work-a-round for that would be to apply the Heirarchial Pose Preset to G2. With G2 selected, File->Save As->Pose Preset to a new folder. Then you will be able to convert the G2 only Pose Preset.
Thanks a lot Vhardamis and DraagonStorm for your great replies!
YAY! i13 Epic Archery Collection arrived today. Already in the cart.
Thanks i13!