Parameters tab gone

For some reason the "Parameters" tab in the workspace (latest DS, darkside workspace) has vanished. In the Panes (tabs) menu it shows as checked but it is not to be seen. Anyone know where it is and how to get it back?




  • Reloaded it the workspace and started again....

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    I personally find that these things "come and go" too easily. I've figured out how to bring most of them back, but still... I think they could use a lock-out or something.

    I have the same problem in Hexagon. I find I have to "restore defaults" a lot.

  • synechodus, next time it happens, you can also go to the Windows menu in DS and look at the Panes (tabs).  If parameters is unchecked, it means it was somehow closed, just select it and it will appear over the UI and you can redock it.

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