Truly dynamic hair for V4

I want to create a scene of a woman (I'm using V4 but that could change) riding a motorcycle with her hair blowing straight back. No helmet.
If there's anything out there I can't find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For V4 you can buy the only dynamic hair ever made from the Optitex site and use the optitex dynamic cloth plugin on it, you only need inbuilt one.
Personally I wasn't keen on the hair; the only item I've purchased for dynamics that I haven't liked; having said that, perhaps playing around with it more would stop it either falling off, or getting out of position and looking unrealistic, in strong winds etc.
If it works for you, then you can use it on any figure you like.
Yeah, the hair looks like it would be one of the harder ones to manage...
I loaded it up and tried it with the wind option, loaded on an IRAY hair shader and it didn't look too bad; the problem was the item, it's strips of cloth, not hair; and it looks like it.
So still not keen.