Hair styles and their poly counts [what ones are good for games?]
Here is a list of hair and there polycounts. I have about 15 cahracters in a scene whic is about 25 million polygons.... about 20-23 million of those polygons is hair.
So, what are the good hair styles to get? i've sorted them for the ones I have by order. Feel free to add your own findings. i need to use Daz hair because morphs affect the hair position, and .mcs and other hair style won't conform unless exported fromt he same figure.
MCS (for mobile/ web/ really low end PC)
short pont hair 4k + LODS already made.
& others
charm hair 24k
Amaya 25k
Nydo 30k hair -qauds
Reinoa hair 37 k verts
Leyton hair 48k hair quads
Anjou 55k quads
Bridget hair 55k -quads
Perrin hair - 62k quads
Hs ee hair - 73k quads
Jade hair - 86k - mostly quads
peony hair 106k quads
Evylyn hair 106k quads
Lana hair 139k - quads
Odessa 140k quads
Ilias hair 193k quads
Jade hair flowers - 196k - mostly quads
Too highs:
Cleo hair 359k mostly quads
monster hair 460k quads
Laya hair 477k - quads
Kylianna Teddy Hair 1.3 mill
26k verts
28k verts
Generally 3D Universe is lower
3835 verts
9500 verts
HerYun does low poly but not all have a license.
Hey nice finds! - I found you can type an artists name in the email and sometimes it exists and you can ask for a licence to be added.
Get the PolyFew asset on UAS. I reduce my DAZ hair to 80%, easily managable. Use these settings and you won't be able to tell a visual difference. Won't work for mobile (or might, i haven't reduced more than 80%), but I'm not a mobile guy so can't help much there.
Before ~800K for the hair
After ~140K
Do you know if poly few preserves the morph data when the mesh data is saved? Had some clothing drop its morphs in lod's
Looking at Your.screen shot the "clear blend shape" seems to suggest it preserves morphs.