iRay render finishes in 15 minutes, poor quality, no matter the settings

I can't coax my iRay render engine to go past 15 minutes.

If I set the Render Quality to 20 and the Rendering Converged Ratio to 100% and the time limit to 2 hours, the rendering still stops in just 15 minutes, producing a grainy picture.


How do I coax iRay to stay at it longer and do a decent jub?



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,054

    When iray engine detects the render quality reaches 20 with Conv. Ratio appr 100%, it will stop rendereing. The logic is first reach, first stop... The engine can detect pixels convergency rather than "grainy noises" unless you turn on Post Denoiser...

    In order to ensure the scene can be necessarily and sufficiently rendered (without denoiser) in this case, you better turn off "Rendering Quality Enable", set Max Samples to -1, Maxt Time to 7200 secs. Then the render will be only stopped when time reaches 2 hours...

    BTW, try to optimize the scene to AMAP eliminate the factors that'll bring grainy noise... (avoid too dark, poorly set emissive light sources , etc.)

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