How do I achieve this effect?
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in The Commons
I am trying to get the same kind of texture effect on my characters different clothes as the one on this product that I purchased.
I have tried purchasing various iray shaders leather/pvc/latex/metalic but I am not able to achieve this kind of texture efect on my clothes. The one in the image looks so much better. Does anyone know how it is done?
1300 x 1500 - 1M
That's a combination of leather shader plus lighting. What lighting are you using?
Are you able to post your experiment and we might have some ideas? I'm not sure which product that is, so that info might help too.
The geomotry or the textures might have some of the wrinkles and sewing baked in, which are removed if you simply swap in a shader. You may be able to get wrinkles back by playing with dforce (or Marvelous Designer or a sculpting program)
I don't have but there is this
Hi, could be a certain leather shader, but I don't know which one!? It isn't a lighting issue because I can achieve the effect with this clothing but not my own in the same lighing.
It's beacuse of normal and bump maps that are specific to that item of clothing.
Hi, thanks, this is the product -
The pic attatched shows I can get the effect on my renders with the product but I just cant get the same effect on other clothes. I wonder is there a way I can save this clothing texture as a shader or something?
I see, thanks there's no way I can transfer then?
No practical way, no.
The key part is the vendor has made the bumps and wrinkles specifically for those clothes; they won't be right for any other clothes, even if you could transfer them. You would essentially need to start from scratch anyway.
Adding creases, isn't that the sort of thing that Mesh Grabber was created for?
mesh grabber was created for moving topology around.
to make high res creases, you would usually need normal map, bump map, or displacement map, because the clothing resolution would not be high enough to sculpt in a high definition crease. Unless youre MaleImagery or someone who makes their clothing way too high resolution.
No. Mesh Grabber is limited to working at the mesh resolution, and even then is better suited for adjustments that affect broad areas.
If I had do something like this, I'd be exporting to Blender, sculpting at high resolution and then baking to a displacement or normal map depending on what was more suitable.
Okay, well thanks for letting me know :)
Although not its entire-intended purpose, PixelTizzyFit's Grungy Threads shader product has some excellent 'fabric' shader presets that include leathers and wrinkled leather - as well as a preset that will only load the wrinked normal map onto the selected shader, which really gives an excellent body-wrinkled appearance.
For that normal map option, we use the tiling and rotation tools to set just the right wrinkle. Amazing how well it works - but I love this product for all kinds of different reasons. I use it a lot!
There are leather shaders by Tom2099 at ShareCG . These don't have wrinkles, but can be tiled. The diffuse roughness & glossy roughness can be tweaked to get the finish you want. I have found a Glossy Roughness of 0.33 works for patent leather compared to the standard 0.66.
Normally Shader products don't provide NM/Bump/Disp. maps for wrinkles and creases because the vendors didn't know where you would have them on the wearables...
If you want to make some wrinkle / creases on a garment... suggest you use Blender, free and fast. Just export the garment as obj file to Blender, give it a couple of "brushes", send morph back to DS, or Bake a normal map as you wish. Something roughly like down below: