aniMate and Carrara?
Wow, been going around in circles trying to decide what to get before the sale ends! I discovered a product called aniMate- it helps with your animations- fair enough. Since I'm getting Carrara do I need aniMate2?
I found the Hip Hop animation move set which is generally for Daz Studio then I found this aniMate aniBlock Importer for Carrara.The question I hope can be answered is, If I get aniMate2, the Carrara importer aaaand the hip hop move set will it all work in Carrara, or should I just stick with using Daz Studio? I guess that was a two-part question, oops. And yet, I have another one (sorry everyone). If I can use aniMate2 with Carrara (using the importer) and the hip hop set, should I? Will it offer any advantages over just using Daz Studio with aniMate2? I've been told that Carrara is better than Daz Studio for animation and I really want to work with the hip hop set aniMate Hip Hop Moves 1 for my first human character animation experiment.
I apologize for my ignorance; I'm reading about and tinkering with Daz Studio while I pick out items during the sale. I really appreciate the help i've been getting. It's a great communuity here and I'm grateful I've found this place. Thanks again
I don't use Carrara for animation, but if you search the forum for posts by Dartanbeck he has a lot about Animate.
Thanks Brian, I'm still looking around gathering info. I've heard Dartenbeck is indeed the one to seek for all things Carrara. I'm heading to the threads. Later
In addition to Dart's must-see threads here, his website has a Carrara zone. Highly recommended.
Thanks Diomede! Well there is no shortage of resources that's for sure. Bookmarked it! I've bookmarked a few sites in the last few days. The community here is so helpful and I really appreciate it. See ya around
I have had the Carrara Animate Importer for a long time with no problem (see attached list). Typically I save the resulting animations as Carrara clips, which are then available for use as any other Carrara clips. My Carrara Clip browser is pretty extensive, well beyond the numerous Animate imports.
Awesome Steve, I feel better now lol. Thanks buddy
yeah but the AniBlock importer for Carrara is no longer for sale
if Fen wants to import AniBlocks they have to bake them on the timeline in DAZ studio and save an animated duf pose
ah there is still a bundle, the individual importer was pulled
the good thing is those AniBlocks will be perfectly useable in DAZ studio too
Yikes! The Carrara indivdual aniBlock importer is in my cart...not that I'm able to buy it or anything lol, but it's there. Oh, this keeps getting better...not
. I need another coffee...Good morning everyone!
it's not a good price at the moment anyway, don't rush into buying anything not on sale
Actually, the individual importer is still available. I assume that you did not untick the "Hide Items I Own" box. :)
Yeah, no worries. This is just a hobby for me anyway. Daz Studio is a big learning curve but it will keep me buzy until (if) this gets sorted out lol.
Hey Fen!!!
I have a nice little page that might help out some as well:
For Carrara - aniMate 2
It has this wonderful tutorial for the aniBlock Importer for Carrara and a whole lot more
Just so you know, I use Bone Minion and/or zaz777's script to convert aniBlocks from earlier generations to new ones as well. I have collected all of GoFigure's aniBlocks and I love them. Reisormocap's too - even the older ones before they came with aniBlocks. I simply use the paid version of aniMate 2 to turn them into aniBlocks because, to me it's important to be able to work with animations in aniMate 2 before committing to the timeline.
Although we'll be using Daz Studio, I have a Webinar coming this Sunday at Digital Art Live where I'll be showing a lot of the overlooked functions of aniMate 2, demonstrating how I use Bone Minion for cross-figure animation translations as well as to get good conversions from Mixamo free FBX animation downloads, which also helps to have 3D Universe's Body2Hip tool, which I'll also be demonstrating along with the incredible LimbStick.
The reason that this Daz Studio webinar is just as valuable for Carrara users is that we can do all of these things in Studio, create our new, custom aniBlocks, and Import them into Carrara! Win Win!!!
View Event Page at Digital Art Live
What you Will Learn
(Topics will be across two webinar sessions)
Webinar Details
Session 1
Date: Sunday December 3rd
Time: 19:00 GMT (London) / 14:00 EST (New York) / 11:00 PST (Los Angeles)
Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
Session 2
Date: Sunday December 10th
Time: 19:00 GMT (London) / 14:00 EST (New York) / 11:00 PST (Los Angeles)
Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
View Event Page at Digital Art Live
Hmm - 5AM start for me, may have to miss it as I will be snoring ZZZZs about then .....
Come on... we'll do Coffee!!!
Not an early morning person unfortunately .....
Working on this stuff lately, I'm often still awake working at that time.
Then I don't recommend the 48 Hour Film Contest, two days to do a 5 minute +/- video (animation in my case) given a random genre (Drama, Western, SciFi, etc.), prop, character and line of dialogue. The advice is "If you sleep, you're doing it wrong."
Yeah... that sound about right!
Sometimes I am awake at that time but it's due to me not sleeping very well. Am a bit groggy/zombiefied at that hour, coffee does not help ....
Definately not my cup of tea !!!!
Can't sleep due to very hot weather, need to turn the graphics computer off as it's increasing in temperature as well.
Will see ifI can buy the videos after my next Pension day as very interested in the Animate work-flow !!!
Hope it's released in the DAZ Store, picked up some Animation tutes in todays 70% off sale !
It will be. Yeah... I like grabbing those too. It's my kind of TV :)
The Power of AniMate 2 : Animating with Precision in DAZ Studio -
Woohoo - Wishlisted as I have already spent this pay's budget !!!
Payday's here - bought !!!