Further DForm Geometries

up to now the base geometrie for DFormers is an ellipsoid. But sometimes it is necessary to have a cubic geometrie for the DFormer (or triangle, ...).
Would be nice to have a variety of different geometries for DForm.
Thank you.
You mean for the field of effect? It's not what you are asking for (if I am undestanding you) but you can use DForms with a weight map instead of the field.
Hi Richard,
yes, I'm talking about the field (of effect). Up to now, it is more or less circular (round).
But what, if you need a rectangular field? Or any different shape with sharp, well defined corners?
In that attached file I need the green geometrie for the field of effect. How to?
You talked about alternate use of weightmaps. How to do this? It is the first time I read this related to the DForm effect.
Is there a good usable tutorial related to the current question?
Create your DForm
Move the field right out of the way (unless it's going to make a good starting point)
With the DForm selected switch to the Node Weight Brush tool.
In the Tool Settings pane you should see Influence Weights listed in Unused Maps - click the Add Map button next to it.
Edit the weight map -for example, here I looked at it head on and used the tool in selection mode, Marquee selection, then filled selection with 100% weighting, selected all, and smoothed the selection (all in the right-click menues).
I think, you have to describe that method more in detail. I didn't succeed to produce an equally weight area.
Create a plane, mine had 25 divisions
Apply a DForm
Move the Field so it is not enclosing any part of the plane
Move the actual D-Former so there will be an effect
Switch to the Node Weight Brush tool, and make sure the DForm is selected
In Tool Settings click Add Map next to Influence Weights
Right-click in the Viewport and select Brush Mode>Geometry Selection
Right-click again and Selection Mode>Marquee Selection
Drag out a rectangle that encloses a block of polygons
Right-click, Weight Editing>Fill Selected, set the dialogue to 100% and click Accept
Right-cxlick, Geometry Selection>Select All
Right-click, Geometry Editinf>Smooth Selected, I set the dialoguie to about 25%, 7 iterations.
thank you.
Now I succeeded.
But anyhow: that is a way more complicated method.
Wouldn't it be easier for the users to have more different predefined geometries for the DFormer?
How can I apply the edited / individual splines? - As they were for the normal DFormer.
Why choosing very complex workarounds instead of thinking about suggested enhancements?
Hi AndyS.
Maybe you are wanting something like a lattice - search the web for mcjLattice and you may find what you are after. I don't know if mcjLattice actually works or is stable and I have never used it so don't ask me how please, but take a look and try it out it you like :)
Hi Richard,
after I succeeded, there is the (for me) most important question:
How can I resize the field afterwards?
With the normal DFormer it was easy to resize x- and z-Scale, or to move the field along the base object.
But how to with the weightmaps field? Sorry for asking, but I'm quite new to that special topic.
I wasn't suggesting this was a repalcement for alternative field shapes, just that it was a currently available feature that might do some of what you want. The weightmaps can't be block edited (scaled, or have different spline curves) since they are just a list of numbers (weights) for vertices (the map part). To make a DS feature request please open a Technical Support ticket and mark it Daz Studio Feature Request.