Shaved Head styles for G3F via LIE

Hello, I have made a suggestion for a shaved head for G3F (scalp as figure) but what about some different shaved head styles via LIE, that I think would work much better because with a figure you allways get some cracks if it comes to neck bending or you see a little "rim" hmm not rim wrong word, you see that the "scalp" is an added or fitted to figure from some viewpoints or camera angles. So why not some different shaved head styles via LIE?.
The idea is to have a shaved head for G3F that looks like the shaved head of Michael 7, so you see were the hair was before it was shaved (not a total clean and bald head). Prison Renders or G3F as Soldier or something like that. It should be created with LIE and not as a skin merchant resource so we can use it on different characters. The advantage of LIE compared to a figure I have tried to explain above. A geometric shell is also not good because if you change the SubD Algorithm of G3F to catmull clark and hide a part of the geometric shell, DS will crash. (That is a fact and the support team also have this error, they have tested it)
As example what I mean with different shaved head styles here is a link to a product for V4. The Product is LilFlame & Nemesis T`s Shave Me Hair for V4. One style should be without any pattern.
colors should be able to change or some different presets like black, grey (different grey tones), dark brown, light brown, red, blonde.