Is "Wear Them All" Compatible with "SY Ultra Templates for Genesis 3 Males"?

I've already bought the Wear Them All product which helps to fit clothing to Genesis 3 males. The SY Ultra Templates for Genesis 3 Males seems to offer some other advantages, especially for long coats or capes. But I wouldn't want the two products to conflict with each other, especially in the AutoFit Tool, and they both do use the AutoFit procedure. So, my question: Can the two products co-exist peacefully and work together? Or, could there be problems with both products installed?
I haven't yet had a chance to try them but they should be complementary - Waer Them All affects the figures you can take items from, Ultra Templates affects what you can do after the conversion of the clothing's shape to G3M.
I'm hoping there are one or more people out there who are actually using both products.
I don't have the G3M versions yet, but the G3F versions work very well together.
I have both for G3M and they work hand in hand like Richard says. I posted an image in the Male Clothes Contest of G3M wearing M4 Midnight Hunter's jeans - I hadn't found the bulge fixer at the time ;-) That needed the combination of products.
Thank you all for this information.