UHT Hair Shaders for Iray Question

The product looks fine, and I especially liked the gallery pictures I looked at that had used these hair shaders on various hair sets. I'm wondering, though, about the upcoming DS 4.9 release which is supposed to have a change in iRay shaders, especially in SSS (i think). So my question is will these shaders still work well in DS 4.9, or will they have to be updated to work in 4.9?
I would have to presume they would be fine as Hair doesn't need SSS. ;) But it will need the PA or someone who has it to say for sure.
And my question is: For which hair products does it fit?
A lot of hair products have combined or more complex and different oriented texture maps.
The lack of the most hair products in the past is, that a certain glossy effect allready is applied to the lightness of the textures. But thid has nothing in common with the real light setup. Hope, the UHT helps to eliminate this terrible effect.