PHRASE-MAKER: 3D Text/Symbols with Scripts to Enhance Your Scenes in Daz Studio [Commercial]

You can read all about Phrase Maker and watch the overview video here:
To help get you started having a little fun, download this free set of Emoticons to show another way of using the props:

386 x 220 - 4K
Post edited by RoLoW on
Thank you for this product. Picked it up as soon as I saw it. :)
Bought it also, as soon as it showed up last night/this morning. :)
Are you planning any add-on packs like an arch shape up and down?
Yes, we have expansion packs in the works right now to be submitted to Daz. Our goal is to have scripts to ease use of product within scenes/animations. Thanks...
Cool! I'll be watching :)
This pack is great! Used it a few times already.
Just got Phrase-Maker and am very happy with it....does just what I needed. I am also looking forward to see what expansions come out for it. Thanks Winterbrose!
The first expansion pack has been submitted to Daz3D and is in testing/qc at this time. Watch this forum for its own posting with some sneek peeks when it gets close to being released.
Is there a limit to how long the phrase can be? I am trying to do a name and the last letter would not stay with the name.
Will the scripts work with other letters / fonts in obj format such as those created in the Font to mesh converter or in Blender or Hexagon? Or do they only work with the letter objects supplied?
So far, I've tried the scripts with props and characters. It works, but with some caveats: the spacing is additive, so, if you apply more than one script, you may get some wonky results; also, don't expect it to drop smart-props to ground level, things will be properly lined up and spaced between them, but the scripts use the current position as a reference (hence why scripts are additive). The only really bothersome thing is that undo won't work: objects will stay where the script last put them, no matter how many times you press ctrl+z. Still, a very nice functionality for quickly setting up groups of objects or people (very orderly lines, a real-life ideal).
Interesting product.
I'd have actually liked to wrap this around a circular base, very recently. If the morphing ability to do so is present in an expansion, that would be excellent.
I saw it got updated. What are the updates?
The script using the DS default grouping, so any limits should be DS based. What was the name you were typing?
The scripts should work with standard props other than those created specifically for Phrase-Maker.
We made some minor corrections to two of the characters in preparation for our advanced scripts release.
The advanced scripts allow more precision control of the props and include a reset if you do not like the changes. Please note that you must reset BEFORE leaving the script dialog. We have added some scripts that are non-additive and use the floor for alignment.
Watch for the first expansion containing 16 DS Scripts on or about this Friday 18-Dec-2015 ...
Excellent! :)
There is a problem with some scripts in:
When using "Funky Wrap", I thought that characters will be placed evenly on the path,
around the suspected shape of it, but it only happens to the ascending characters
The other problem is with "Door Frame" script:
"o" and "m" letters are slightly overlapped.
Look like the script does not take width of characters into consideration.
You are both correct, the calculations for Door Frame and Funky Wrap are based upon the character widths. If you look closely, you may have noticed that the pivot point (bottom center) of each character is at the same height and distance from center. We hope to update these scripts in the future to account for varying character widths.
These two scripts work best with all Caps or similiarly sized characters. For mixed size characters, once positioned they can easily be adjusted for the desired effect.
I was using my mum's full name plus middle initial.
Does this pack add more symbols?
I'm not sure how long that name would be. Were you trying to add a space between her first name and middle initial? For instance, "Johnny C". Or was it more like "JohhnyC"? Without divulging any real names, can you give us a similar example length-wise?
This pack does not add any new symbols. The latest add-on symbol pack is currently in Daz QA. There are 4 additional symbol packs and a Sci-Fi font in the production pipeline.
Good news and good news! We have decided to leave the Door Frame and Funky Wrap scripts as designed because someone may find that alignment useful for a project. Two new scripts "Door Frame 2" and "Funky Wrap 2" are in development and will be part of an update for all previous and new purchasers which will base alignment on overall string widths and not individual character widths. We hope this solution will be a win-win for everyone.
Great, will be waiting for them, then.
May be you can also consider scripts for a different shapes, like a circle,
or even better a user defined path.
I did get this recently. Now, the props do work fine, but the scripts don't work at all.
At first I thought it might be because I moved them from their default location in my library, but even when I reinstalled them and left everything as is, they wouldn't work. I'm kinda out of ideas, is it possible they only work in DS 4.8 and higher? Cause I'm still on 4.7...
James B Johnson which is same amount of letters but it was my mum's name instead of James Johnson who ever that is.
I'm not sure why they won't work on version 4.7 (or if that is the problem).
As far as scripts not working at all, you must select the character props in the Scene tab before executing the scripts like shown in these screenshots. Did this help or is it something else?
Tested "JamesBJohnson" in Daz Studio 4.8 with props and scripts and it worked (see screenshots). Were you trying to include any spacing in the group? If so, how did you implement it?
Sorry, tried that already :/
Log says:
Loading script: T:/Content/Props/Winterbrose/PhraseMaker/Phrase Maker Align Right.dse
Failed to load script: T:/Content/Props/Winterbrose/PhraseMaker/Phrase Maker Align Right.dse
Which is not all that helpful ^^
Since the script is encrypted it is tagged with the DS version from which it was saved and will not work in an older version. Only ASCII scripts (.dsa) will work in a version of DS older than that from which they were saved.
Thanks for that info. I guess we will need to consider encrypting in older version of DS4 prior to release for maximum compatibility.
Thanks, Richard, I'm glad it's just that.
Still, how can you know the answer to everything?
By carefully not answering the questions I don't know the answer to.
So that's the trick :D
- Can this be used to place words and phrases on clothing?
- And, are other fonts available for use with this? I guess what I'm asking is, will the program locate and use my PC's installed font library?