Renders done by Sedor

New forum, new thread - I'll begin with the last renders I have done.
I am not sure if I have shown them already at the old forum, anyway - here we go:
This is a Poser-Render, thought it was time to try a new render with it...
Fullsize render:

800 x 514 - 171K
Post edited by Sedor on
Sir Michael
Fullsize render:
Bruuna - unhappy at the pole
Bruuna is a adventurer, but sometimes she gets into situation she hasn't a choice... This time she must act as a pole-dancer - and as we can see she is very... happy
Fullsize render:
Bruuna - Chair
Again a Poser-Render.
A re-render of a previous done picture, new at this render: she is wearing a bikini to fit the actual TOS :P
Fullsize render:
(Both Bruuna pictures are done for the Bruuna-Render-Contest)
HMS Victory - a really impressive little ship...
Render is done with Vue 10
Fullsize render:
Protective Couple
Fullsize render:
Heroes are back
At the last second the Hero is back, right in time to protect the girl...
Fullsize render:
Very epic and intense lighting!
Thank you Muireanne!
When the HEY did this happen? Now were getting back to the DAZ I know and love!!!
Great stuff my friend.
Yeah, it comes back - slowy but it does :D
Thanks Jaderail!
this is incredible great...both thumbs up ;-)
Stupid Question time. What are your render settings? It looks like they resize so well for the current forums. PM me if you dont want everyone to have your secrets. %-P
Hehe, there's no secret behind my render settings, see the attached picture. That are the settings I use for my final renders, UberEnv is always at it's highest setting also, render dimension of the final images is at it's longest side: 3000pixel.
Before I resize the pictures for the forum I do a slight sharpening with PS.
:roll: I never have done any changes to the standard render settings, hmm, probably I should try something to optimize my works or?
Dude it's the _______ x 3000 that I need. I have render settings for Draft, Proof, Average, High, Very High and Insane. So I guess I should have asked what are your normal render dimensions in pixels ______ x 3000, only gets me half way there.
Edited: About 1 million times.... maybe I should sleep now....
Well that's different - depends at the aspect-ratio.
The Hero render has 3000x2250, Apteromata is rendered with 3000x1926, Nutshell 3000x1800 pixel. I often use different aspect-ratios, sometimes uncommon ones (2.5:4 was one I used in a older render), so I decided by myself that my renders have at their longest side 3000pixel, the other length isn't "important" for me as it's a result of the ratio.
Bruuna at the pool
Another render for the Bruuna render contest. Bruuna enjoys a day at the pool.
Fullsize render:
Okay I get it about the ratio VS size. And the Bruuna is great. I can not get my Bruuna in the clothes I need her in. WAY to much poke through. I should have got Gen X and converted her to Genesis. But NO! I never thought I would need Gen X. :long:
Hehe, yes - Bruuna is the reason why I also think about getting GenX...
What are you're typical UberEnv settings at? My problem with rendering anything past _x1800 is that I don't like waiting. though it's inevitable I suppose since my compy is not the greatest. sure it's got a 4 core processor but I only have 4GB of RAM :( (Need a new motherboard to up that and that costs $$$), and one Nvidia 550Ti vid card (again, need new motherboard to put in a second or third one plus $$$)
There's nothing special, I use the "Quality 4XHi"-Settings of UberEnv - sometimes I change the Shading Rate from 8.0 to 4.0.
Of course a render takes it's time, that's the reason why I start my renders at the evening and let them bake through the night. There are some renders which take more than 10h, a few which take 20h++...
I usually move shading rate up to 0 and error to 0.0 that way I don't get get artifacts like pixel shadows.
Would be interesting how it does effect the render time - if it's just a little bit... I'll try it :D
... I'm jealous, you can't get this outfit anymore :/
Gedd.. Just did a search and the only apteromata's I can find are torrentz. I suppose if it can't be purchased anywhere it wouldn't hurt? As long as when it comes back available you head to the store and buy it!
Sedor.. I haven't tested it myself but I'm pretty sure it will negatively effect the render times. Takes a while for me but I think it might be worth it if you don't have too much fine detail or crazy ray tracing.
Oh? That outfit isn't available any more? Didn't notice it is taken out of store.
reavuson: I reduced error to 0.05 and shading rate to 2... Seems to become a amazing quality, but - yes - rendering time is high (well, I have to compare it with a render done with my usual settings). Render is now at 41% after 19hours :D
Yes, and unfortunately it isn't at her other stores either. I should text her to see if she plans on re-releasing it as it is one of my favorites.
She is planning on re-releasing it on RDNA :-). Read it on DA when I was checking my notices ...yay as I am wanting that outfit also!!
Sounds good, maybee there will be some more expansions for it :D
Fullsize render:
Once again the Superhero has to show his strenght, once again it's a showdown - but is it the final showdown?
Okay, fullsize resolution is 3000x2250 pixel (as you can see if you follow my link to the fullsize render :P ), this time I changed my UberEnv-Settings to "shading rate = 2" and "error = 0.05". Took just 41hours to render...