Daz Studio Pro 4.22(.1.x) - Highlights

rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
edited September 6 in Daz Studio Discussion

Each new build of Daz Studio comes with its own set of bug fixes, new features, adjustments to existing features, etc. Since near the beginning of Daz Studio 4.x development ( - according to the posted logs), a list of changes have been made available via the Change Log on the Documentation Center. In addition to the Change Log, we have also typically provided a forum thread wherein the first post highlights some of the changes in a given release (typically things that have the greatest potential to impact large cross-sections of the userbase). Periodically, as new builds have been made available and/or as time has allowed, the first post of the latest thread would be updated to provide more/new information on a given build. Unfortunately, these updates seemed to go unnoticed by many who didn't revisit the first post of the thread. This same information would also then be reposted when a Public Build was eventually promoted to General Release.

To address some of these issues and bring more visibility to the highlights for a given build, we now split these highlights off into their own thread. A separate discussion thread will remain available (linked below), but the highlights thread itself will be closed for comment so as to avoid the information being buried by the discussion and to provide notification through regular features of the forum software.


Frequently Asked Questions:



Public Build (Beta) Threads:


  • (September 6, 2024)
    • (June 26, 2024)
    • (June 17, 2024)
    • (June 4, 2024)
    • (May 3, 2024)
    • (April 12, 2024)
    • (March 26, 2024)
    • (March 6, 2024)
    • (February 21, 2024)
    • (February 2, 2024)
    • (January 16, 2024)
    • (January 10, 2024)
    • (December 22, 2023)


General Release Thread:


  • ...
  • (February 27, 2024)
    • (December 20, 2023)
    • (November 1, 2023)
  • (October 12, 2022)


Previous Threads:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited December 2023 (December 22, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2023.1.0 (373000.1077); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 545.84 (R545) on Windows
            • NOTE: 546.01 is the first Studio Driver (SD) after the minimum
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • ...
    • Filament (Windows Only)
      • Integrated Filament 1.44.0
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 2 (January 10, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Canvas support
        • ...
      • Render Settings pane
        • Editor
          • ...
        • Advanced
          • Hardware
            • ...
          • Canvases
            • ...
    • Render Window
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 2 (January 16, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Render Settings pane
        • Advanced
          • Hardware
            • ...
    • Preferences
      • ...
    • Viewport Controls
      • ...
    • Bone Drawing
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 23 (February 2, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2023.1.2 (373000.1755); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 537.13 (R535) on Windows
            • NOTE: This is a lower minimum requirement than the previous
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • Render Window
        • Fixed a crash when the scene is cleared (File > New...) while a Render Window remains open; see the Change Log for more detail
      • Canvas Support
        • Extended support for the "Toon" canvas
          • Added an "Outline Normal Difference (Bias)" property
            • Lower values yield lines between adjacent faces with similar normals
            • Higher values yield lines on sharper edges
            • Useful values reside in the [0,1] range, with both values fairly close together
            • Second value must be greater than or equal to the first - first and second values are automatically swapped if first value is greater
        • Rendered preview (Render Window) of the "Shadow" canvas is now temporarily tone mapped for visualization purposes
        • Fixed an issue where loading a scene that contained canvases and named node lists (node masks) would result in the node lists being created but would not restore associations between a canvas and its named list
      • Render Settings pane
        • Advanced > Canvases
          • Double-click on canvas entries (to edit the name of a canvas) is now limited to the name column
      • ...
    • Bone Drawing
      • A "Bone Draw Mode" property has been added to skeletons
        • The property is accessesable from the Parameters pane, in the Display > Scene View > Bones property group
        • When set to "Orientation" (default), "Bone" avatars are drawn axis-aligned according to the rotation order and orientation of each bone
          • Clicking the bone avatar causes the bone itself (or the corresponding bone in a folllow target) to become selected
        • When set to "Hierarchy", "Bone" avatars are drawn between the origin of the bone and the origin of its parent
          • "Joint" avatars are drawn around the origin of the bone
          • Clicking the "Joint" avatar causes the bone itself to become selected
          • Clicking the "Bone" avatar causes the parent bone to become selected
          • This mode is intended to be visually/behaviorally familiar to users of other popular 3D applications
    • FBX Importer
      • Improved handling of situations presented by files produced by 3rd party applications/sources; see the Change Log for details
    • New Scene Dialog
      • Loading assets via double-click now occurs once the dialog is closed instead of before
        • This change causes the prompt for saving the current scene to be more apparent and consistent with prior behaviors
    • Viewport Controls
      • The View Option Menu for the Camera Cube now indicates the active view when displayed
      • The View Option Menu for Docked View Controls now indicates the active view when displayed
      • Added inline help for Views and DrawStyles
    • Figure Setup pane
      • Addressed styling/consistency issues in various supporting dialogs and UI components; see the Change Log for more detail
    • DForm Modifiers
      • Added support for being applied after skinning
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 23 (February 21, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2023.1.3 (373000.2208); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 537.13 (R535) on Windows
            • NOTE: This is a lower minimum requirement than
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • ...
    • Scene pane
      • The actions in the Option Menu > Reorder submenu now operate on the selected node(s) in the same level of hierarchy, regardless of a node's parented state
        • Selected Node(s) To Top
        • Selected Node(s) Up
        • Selected Node(s) Down
        • Selected Node(s) To Bottom
    • FBX Importer
      • Improved handling of situations presented by files produced by 3rd party applications/sources; see the Change Log for details
    • Transfer Utility
      • Added a "Greedy" option to the "Remove Unused Bones" Extended Options, for the "Weight Maps" General Option
        • When checked, this option causes bones that do not have a binding defined to be treated similarly to bones that have a binding defined but no weight assigned (i.e., as insignificant except for establishing/replicating hierarchy)
    • Joint Editor
      • Holding [Ctrl/Cmd] while clicking the "Delete Unused Bones..." action will cause it to executed "greedily"
        • Bones that do not have a binding are treated similarly to bones that have a binding defined but no weight assigned
      • The "Delete Unused Bones..." action can now be triggered from script with settings to control its operation; see the Change Log for details
    • Shader Mixer
      • Initial support for custom "Filament" language shader bricks
    • Decimator
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (March 6, 2024)

    • Geometry Shell Node
      • Added support for using the weight map for a Push Modifier on the Target of a Geometry Shell to affect the geometry of the Geometry Shell
        • Paint the weight map for a Push Modifier on the Target of a Geometry Shell
        • Enter the name of the Push Modifier on the Target of the Geometry Shell in the Target Push Modifiers property on the Geometry Shell
        • Set the value of the property on the Target of the Geometry Shell that applies the (named) Push Modifier to zero (0)
        • Set the value of the property on the Geometry Shell that applies the (named) Push Modifier to a non-zero value
    • Asset Saving
      • D-Former(s) Preset...
        • Fixed an issue with saving when a D-Former Field for a given set, which has no meaning when a weight map is used, was not present
      • Support Assets
        • Morph Asset(s)...
          • This save filter has been deprecated/disabled in favor of a new, broader scoped, Modifier Asset(s) - see below
        • Modifier Asset(s)...
          • Accessed via File > Save As > Support Asset
          • Supports saving the following types:
            • Property / Property Alias
            • Morph (Modifier)
            • Push Modifier
            • Conditional Graft Modifier
            • Line Tessellation Modifier
            • Other Mesh Modifer types
    • Viewport Tools
      • Geometry Editor / Node Weight Brush
        • Added a Geometry Locking > Unlock Selected Polygon(s) action to the respective context menus
          • Selection Type > Polygon Selection must be active
          • An object with geometry must be selected
    • Shader Mixer
      • Expanded support for custom Filament shaders; see the Change Log for more detail
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited April 15 (March 26, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2023.1.4 (373000.3036); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 537.13 (R535) on Windows
            • NOTE: This is a lower minimum requirement than
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • ...
    • Filament (Windows Only)
      • ...
    • Progress dialog
      • ...
    • Timeline pane
      • ...
    • Scene Data
      • ...
    • Push Modifier
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (April 12, 2024)

    • Filament (Windows Only)
      • Integrated Filament 1.51.3
      • ...
    • Progress dialog
      • ...
    • Hierarchical Pose Preset Save Options dialog
      • ...
    • Save Modified Assets dialog
      • ...
    • Option dialogs
      • ...
    • Geometry Shell
      • Creating a Geometry Shell now copies the (reset) material from the surface(s) of the target object to the corresponding surfaces of the Geometry Shell
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (May 3, 2024)

    • Create New Primitive dialog
      • ...
    • Draw Settings pane
      • ...
    • Scene Subset Save Options dialog
      • ...
    • Wearable(s) Preset Save Options dialog
      • ...
    • Save Modified Support Assets dialog
      • ...
    • Load UV Set dialog
      • ...
    • Folder-Based Asset Views
      • ...
    • Save Style As dialog
      • ...
    • Delete Style(s) dialog
      • ...
    • Save Layout As dialog
      • ...
    • Delete Layout(s) dialog
      • ...
    • Message Boxes
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (June 4, 2024)

    • Face Transfer pane
      • ...
    • Surfaces pane
      • ...
    • Shader Mixer pane
      • ...
    • Script IDE pane
      • ...
    • Save Modified Support Assets dialog
      • ...
    • DrawStyles
      • ...
    • Message Boxes
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited June 17 (June 17, 2024)

    • Smart Content pane
      • Added an "Add License Tag(s)" action to the context menu for products and assets that can be identified as being from the Daz 3D store
        • Requires login
          • Does not require the "Update Metadata" option to be checked
        • Creates user-owned tags (keywords), per license type, based on data retrieved from the Daz 3D store
          • dzLicense_standard
          • dzLicense_3dprinting
          • dzLicense_interactive
          • dzLicense_editorial
        • When triggered for a product, user-facing assets in the product are each tagged
        • When triggered for an asset, all user-facing assets in the product that the asset belongs to are each automatically tagged
        • Results appear in Smart Content > Information Panel > Tags Page
        • Each license keyword (above) can entered into the FIles Page > Filter Field, or the Products Page > Filter Field, prefixed by key:: to filter the respective view
        • Filters can be saved and/or managed, independently, for each page
          • Files Page > Filter Bar
            • Any filter saved here is available when viewing: (and vice versa)
              • The contents of a product
              • The Preset Page of the following panes:
                • Posing
                • Shaping
                • Surfaces
                • Lights
                • Cameras
                • Render Settings
                • Simulation Settings
              • The Templates Page and Favorites Page of the New Scene dialog
          • Products Page > Filter Bar
    • Content Library pane
      • Added an "Add License Tag(s)" action to the context menu for products and assets that can be identified as being from the Daz 3D store
        • Requires login
          • Does not require the "Update Metadata" option to be checked
        • Creates user-owned tags (keywords), per license type, based on data retrieved from the Daz 3D store
          • dzLicense_standard
          • dzLicense_3dprinting
          • dzLicense_interactive
          • dzLicense_editorial
        • When triggered for a product, user-facing assets in the product are each tagged
        • When triggered for an asset, all user-facing assets in the product that the asset belongs to are each automatically tagged
        • Tags appear in Content Library > Information Panel > Tags Page
        • Each license keyword (above) can entered into the Search Field, if the Database Search Type is selected, to perform a search for tagged assets
        • A Custom Action can be created for search results from the context menu for the Search DB container
      • Fixed the "Show Asset in" submenu of the context menu for an asset displaying the opposite label for the "Virtual/Mapped Folder" action
        • "Virtual Folder" should be displayed for assets installed via Daz Connect
        • "Mapped Folder" should be displayed for assets not installed via Daz Connect
    • Message Boxes
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited June 26 (June 26, 2024)

    • Content Library pane
      • Added support for an "Advanced" Search Type
        • Allows a subset of the Advanced Filtering syntax previously only supported by the Smart Content pane (and Presets pages of several property-centric panes) to be used in the Search Field
        • A Custom Action can be created for search results from the context menu for the Search DB+ container
      • Added a clear ("X") button to the Search Bar when there is a value in the Search Field
      • Clicking a tag on the Content Library > Information Panel > Tags Page now populates the Search Field, if the Search Type is set to Database or Advanced, and starts a search
      • Search containers now provide a tooltip (includes the search string)
      • Added a "Clear Search Results" action to the context menu for Search containers
      • Added common convienece actions to the context menu for tree-based container views (i.e., View as Tree, View Side By Side)
        • Added an "Expand" submenu for containers that have children
          • Added "Expand Selected", and "Expand from Selected" actions
        • Added a "Collapse" submenu for containers that have children
          • Added "Collapse All", "Collapse Selected", and "Collapse from Selected" actions
    • New Scene dialog
      • Added an "Add License Tag(s)" action to the context menu for assets that can be identified as being from the Daz 3D store on the Templates and Favorites pages
        • Requires login
          • Does not require the "Update Metadata" option to be checked
        • Creates user-owned tags (keywords), per license type, based on data retrieved from the Daz 3D store
          • dzLicense_standard
          • dzLicense_3dprinting
          • dzLicense_interactive
          • dzLicense_editorial
        • When triggered for an asset, all user-facing assets in the product that the asset belongs to are each automatically tagged
        • Each license keyword (above) can entered into the Filter Field, prefixed by key:: to filter the respective view
        • Filters can be saved and/or managed from the Filter Menu Button (magnifying glass icon, left of Filter Field)
          • Any filter saved here is available when viewing: (and vice versa)
            • Smart Content > Files page
            • The Presets page of the following panes:
              • Posing
              • Shaping
              • Surfaces
              • Lights
              • Cameras
              • Render Settings
              • Simulation Settings
    • Documentation
      • Added a "Show Documentation..." action to the Option Menu for various panes
        • Install
        • Smart Content
        • Content Library
        • Draw Settings
        • Render Settings
        • Shader Mixer
        • Measure Metrics
        • ...
    • Message Boxes
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited September 6 (September 6, 2024)

    • Filament Draw Options node
      • ...
    • Tonemapper Options node
      • ...
    • Metadata (Install Manager / Daz Connect)
      • ...
    • Panes
      • Smart Content pane
        • ...
      • Content Library pane
        • ...
      • Render Settings Pane
        • ...
      • Simulation Settings pane
        • ...
      • Draw Settings pane
        • ...
      • Scene pane
        • ...
      • Parameters pane
        • ...
      • Posing pane
        • ...
      • Shaping pane
        • ...
      • Surfaces pane
        • ...
      • Lights pane
        • ...
      • Cameras pane
        • ...
      • Shader Mixer pane
        • ...
    • Tools
      • Weight Map Brush
        • ...
      • Geometry Editor
        • ...
    • Save Filter dialogs
      • ...
    • Create New Property dialog
      • ...
    • Logging
      • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
This discussion has been closed.