Comments section in wishlist?

Why is there a place to write comments about items in your wishlist? What could I possibly have to say about a product I don't own yet? "Ooh that looks cool!" Or maybe "I really want that"
What would be much more useful would be if we could comment and rate products that we have already purchased. Every product page could have a link to user reviews and ratings for that product, kinda like newegg, that could be so helpful to everyone, sellers and customers alike.
I actually find the comment section quite useful, I use it to note why I have placed the item on my wish list rather than purchasing it staright away.
Well if it's useful to you that's cool, I'm not saying take it away... But for me, there's only one reason to put something on my wishlist, and that's because I'm interested in it, and want to watch it to see if it goes on sale.
The point I really wanted to make is that it would be nice if we could rate and review products that we actually own and have experience with.
I have to agree that customer reviews on products would be really helpful. The forums are great, too, but just spot checking reviews for a product before you purchase would be nice. I especially like on Amazon where there are frequently asked questions under an item and someone that owns the product can answer it. I think this could reduce the redudancy of threads like "Is this iray compatible?", etc
I agree. Certainly other 3D content websites have buyer reviews that I find very helpful. I rarely use the "Comments" box on my wishlist, about the only time I recall is to remind myself of a similar product that I already own, so I can reconsider the purchase if the price drops way down.