question about free SF meshes

A while back, I found a website with meshes from a lot of common SF shows and movies. It was not ShareCG (which is great), but another site. I thought it was or vanishing point. But doesn't seem to have any downloads, just discussionsa and images and Vanishing Point seems to be mostly textures and a very few meshes.
Any one have any ideas about what site I may have seen?
Comments ? ?
(whoops! post deleted - commercial site, and you've mentioned it already)
I think it would be
It may have been the Celestia Motherlode. used to have some but one had to follow the breadcrumbs to find them. Right now the link is just taking one to the forums so ? what happened there however it is "normal" before big releases, etc. for a lot of things to vanish on the 'Net.
Sent to Prduct suggestions at less than warp speed because it was a question about, not an offer of, free SF meshes.
Isn't that the site where you can't download stuff from links until you post enough in the forums to prove you aren't a spambot? I know there's at least one like that in my bookmarks list, but I can't remember the name.