2024 RawArt Birthday Sale ..and Rammases [commercial]

Welcome to 2024!..and the RawArt Annual Birthday sale...50% off everything for TWO Full Weeks!!
and check out my new release....Rammases The Satyr...specially for us Capricorns!!
From deep within the woodlands the Satyri roam and hunt, and their nights are filled with songs and dancing with Maenads.
Whether you're crafting mythological landscapes, or fantastical realms, or seeking to infuse your scenes with a touch of otherworldly magic, Rammases for Genesis 9 opens a portal to boundless artistic possibilities.
Rammases comes with many geo-grafted parts, High Definitions morphs, Ultra Realistic textures, and Dhair fur to really bring this character to life for your renders
What's Included and Features
- Rammases for Genesis 9: (.DUF)
- Rammases Character Preset
- Rammases Shaping Preset
- Rammases All Parts Wearable Preset
- Rammases Fur Long dForce Hair Attachment
- Rammases Fur Short dForce Hair Attachment
- Rammases Hooves Geograft
- Rammases Horns Geograft
- Material Options:
- 03 Full Skin Mats with Male Anatomical Elements:
- 05 Eye Material Presets
Happy Birthday RawArt !
Happy Birhtday from me too! He looks awesome!
OMG! That discount on your new figure is surely a present to us!
Perhaps your confused about birthdays?
Have a Very Happy one!
Thanx Guys!
Hope you all find some things you like in the sale
Happy Birthday RawArt :)
Congratulations belatedly!
Happy birthday, RawArt. Thanks for all the great monsters and critters.
Thanx Everyone!
Happy birthday, RawArt. Thanks for the sale.
RawArts's characters are great. I am glad to be able to purchase Elebeast, that was in my wishlist for quite long.
On the Red Planet
Elephant Power!!!!
Glad you are having fun :)
Thanks, wishing you all the best.
Happy Birthday.
Nice product. Can the horns be used without the hair & body morphs? Can the head & body be morphed separately?
Another great creation: https://www.daz3d.com/ape-world-gorilla-for-genesis-9
I assume you mean the Ram guy?
You can use them without the hair...but the morphs are all part of the character
such a proud and noble creature ;)
Thanks for the comments, RawArt.
The more I render your creatures, the more I like them.
Watching a collection of YouTube "reaction" videos for the 1984 horror comedy "Gremlins" reminded me of a vintage product I bought during one of your deep sales, RawArt, your "Grimlens".
So, I dug out a WiP I had abandoned at one time and gave it another go, getting creative with the scaling to create what I have posted above.
Yes, Ram guy. OK, I wanted to morph the head & body separate, & the horns could be a geograph, that way, several historical myths would be possible. I will have to get other products in addition to this one then or maybe try that Morph Splitter product I bought.
A very belated Happy Birthday, and thank you so much for the wonderful sales! I recently picked up Medusa Maker, Tapirdary and Harpy to add to my ever-growing collection of your awesome creations. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Happy Birthday and thanks for the sale in 2025.
I will make a new thread for this years sale as soon as I get a few things straightened out with daz.
There was an error in the news letter, and the sale will be 2 weeks long, not 24 hours, and I have a new release coming with it too.
Something in the system burped
I will check back when the burping stops. In the meantime Redfern reminded me of what you did with K4 that made them even more usable for me. Also how very good those figures can still look today.
Happy Birthday RawArt!
K4 was fun to play with. Back then we could not really change proportions much on figures, so they opened up a whole new base shape to play with.
Now we can do almost anything with the new bases
Some of my recent purchases of RawArt characters rendered with FilaToon.
Thanks again for the sale and great assets, @RawArt
and with some postwork.
Another one - https://www.daz3d.com/gnomely-for-genesis-9