Missing scene lights and G8M body parts nor work

Hello and happy 2024:


In the daz top of the viewport always was: spot light, distant light, etc... But now they are missing. Not show up.

Also when I click a body part of a G8M for adjust the position: rotate, bend, etc... for excample the arms, not let me. Only the whole Genesis character. It's weird.

Thanks for your help. 


  • The frst issue - missing tool bar? Try reloading your layout (Window>Workspace>Select layout). The second could also be layout related, since it soundsd as if Mode Selection Mode in the Tool Settings pane has been switched to Root Node Only.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 7,659

    If you ever saved a Layout, try to load it: Windows - Select Layout, or load the default layout from the list.

    For Node selection, Tool Settings pane, choose Node in the dropdownlist of "Node Selection Mode"...

  • Richard! Thanks ! You nailed all!! Thank you!!! One last question... when you pose a G8F o G89M in some poses the body specially the waist and hips deform innatural, and with enormeous wrinkles. Is a way to fix that? Thank you


  • Which is deforming? It sounds as if a character you have installed (probably a very muscular or very heavy character) has joint adjustments that should kick in only when the shape is applied but which are instead applying regardless. Had you installed any such characters for the problem figure just before the issue started?

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