The other thing that worries me is how clean and pristine the surface is where they are standing, compared to the background. There should be some traces of snow, and ice and melting snow on it.
Any suggestions on how to do that are welcome. Esp ones that don't involve photoshop.
One option could be the use of a geometry shell of the road.
Yes, it is pretty much how I would do it in Bryce. I would duplicate the road, raise it the tinest tad and then apply a mat with a transmap in it's structure to make the snow and ice patches. I would also use a little specul;arity to simulate a slightly wet surface on the actual road.
The other thing that worries me is how clean and pristine the surface is where they are standing, compared to the background. There should be some traces of snow, and ice and melting snow on it.
Any suggestions on how to do that are welcome. Esp ones that don't involve photoshop.
One option could be the use of a geometry shell of the road.
Yes, it is pretty much how I would do it in Bryce. I would duplicate the road, raise it the tinest tad and then apply a mat with a transmap in it's structure to make the snow and ice patches. I would also use a little specul;arity to simulate a slightly wet surface on the actual road.
It is also possible to apply dFormers to a geometry shell if you want to try and create piles of snow. And you can create multiple geometry shells so can layer effects similar to what might be done in Photoshop.
The other thing that worries me is how clean and pristine the surface is where they are standing, compared to the background. There should be some traces of snow, and ice and melting snow on it.
Any suggestions on how to do that are welcome. Esp ones that don't involve photoshop.
I'd try using stone props and/or primative shapes to add some snow traces.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
Any other suggestions.....?
The one thing that catches my eye is the Snowy Owl on the fence post. With all the noise and commotion going on I cannot imagine it would remain calmly sitting there looking around like that.
Is this one of Adam Thwaites props? Does it have different poses? Having it's wings spread about to take off or even flying away would seem more appropriate for this scene.
First attempt. I'm sure it tells a story, but I'm not quite sure what it is.
(The background is a photo I took in a local park - at Easter!)
Any comments would be most welcome.
Well done on the environment! Only really one thing that bothers me and that is that I wouldn't want to sit on a snowy/winter cold bench like that without anything between my bum and the cold/snowy surface of the bench. Typically gloves are used for this. In some places benches have electrical heating during winter so people can sit on them without problem but that bench looks very frosty.
First attempt with the fog camera, and first attempt with the winter brushes.
Absolutely no story to tell, other than the classic schoolbook "Hey, it's snowing in the forest!" theme... :)
What do you think?
It actually reminds me of a hike we took a couple years ago. It was early, it was still dark, it was raining. One of the girls was joking about her ability to make the rain stop. We told her to do so. She did. The rain turned into snow for the rest of the day... :)
First attempt with the fog camera, and first attempt with the winter brushes.
Absolutely no story to tell, other than the classic schoolbook "Hey, it's snowing in the forest!" theme... :)
What do you think?
It actually reminds me of a hike we took a couple years ago. It was early, it was still dark, it was raining. One of the girls was joking about her ability to make the rain stop. We told her to do so. She did. The rain turned into snow for the rest of the day... :)
This is a lovely image Ati. The only thing it is missing (for me anyway) is a focal point.
Perhaps a deer or something to give the eye something to land on.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
Any other suggestions.....?
The one thing that catches my eye is the Snowy Owl on the fence post. With all the noise and commotion going on I cannot imagine it would remain calmly sitting there looking around like that.
Is this one of Adam Thwaites props? Does it have different poses? Having it's wings spread about to take off or even flying away would seem more appropriate for this scene.
Thanks Kismet2012, and yes your right about the owl, I'll change its pose, this owl is from Poser Animals figures, it must have other poses, otherwise I'll have to pose it using its bones :)
I have mine laid out I just need to put it together. Not much time today or tomorrow to work on it but I have the idea and basic layout. I want to do a white wolf in a winter setting either on a mountain top or in a forest. Not sure if I want a day or night scene. Also not sure if I am going to use a human with it or not. I just need to find the time to see what I have in my runtime to put it together lol. And how bad is it when I have a concert to go to tonight with friends and paint night with daughter and sister and friends tomorrow night and I almost wish I could stay home and work on this?
I have mine laid out I just need to put it together. Not much time today or tomorrow to work on it but I have the idea and basic layout. I want to do a white wolf in a winter setting either on a mountain top or in a forest. Not sure if I want a day or night scene. Also not sure if I am going to use a human with it or not. I just need to find the time to see what I have in my runtime to put it together lol. And how bad is it when I have a concert to go to tonight with friends and paint night with daughter and sister and friends tomorrow night and I almost wish I could stay home and work on this?
Not bad at all...when inspiration hits you want to take advantage of least...that is how it works for me.
I have mine laid out I just need to put it together. Not much time today or tomorrow to work on it but I have the idea and basic layout. I want to do a white wolf in a winter setting either on a mountain top or in a forest. Not sure if I want a day or night scene. Also not sure if I am going to use a human with it or not. I just need to find the time to see what I have in my runtime to put it together lol. And how bad is it when I have a concert to go to tonight with friends and paint night with daughter and sister and friends tomorrow night and I almost wish I could stay home and work on this?
Not bad at all...when inspiration hits you want to take advantage of least...that is how it works for me.
Ya I have started to carry a small sketch pad so I can sketch out the ideas when they hit. Of course, sometimes they hit at the most inopportune times. Like driving on the highway lol
I have mine laid out I just need to put it together. Not much time today or tomorrow to work on it but I have the idea and basic layout. I want to do a white wolf in a winter setting either on a mountain top or in a forest. Not sure if I want a day or night scene. Also not sure if I am going to use a human with it or not. I just need to find the time to see what I have in my runtime to put it together lol. And how bad is it when I have a concert to go to tonight with friends and paint night with daughter and sister and friends tomorrow night and I almost wish I could stay home and work on this?
Not bad at all...when inspiration hits you want to take advantage of least...that is how it works for me.
Ya I have started to carry a small sketch pad so I can sketch out the ideas when they hit. Of course, sometimes they hit at the most inopportune times. Like driving on the highway lol
Yeah I know what you mean Sonja, I remember one yr I was driving out to my mothers trailer and I seen to the passenger side of the car a family of deer grazing through the snow in the feild looking for the grass under all the snow and I so wanted to draw that right then and there but had to get to my mom's giggles but on the way back they were still there in the same field so I got my cell phone out and snaped a pic, so saved me from sitting there for hours just watching them.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
Any other suggestions.....?
This second version is a lot better I think! Really nice! To me the only thing is the flag... a UN flag seems so out of place compared to the uniform and guns.
This is a lovely image Ati. The only thing it is missing (for me anyway) is a focal point.
Perhaps a deer or something to give the eye something to land on.
Thanks for the feedback. Hmm, I don't have a deer. I only have horses and mice. :D I added a lost soldier, who is so desperate to find the treasure, even the snow does not stop him. :))) I may add a mystical destination for him somewhere in the background...
Bare bone. Like, really bare bones lol. This is just the pre pre layout. Need lights, snow, more trees on the right to make it look more like the beginning of a forest, and need to work on the colors of the snow. I just did a simple ground plane for the snow on the ground and added a texture. Need to add some rocks and stuff to break up the flat. will add falling snow at the very end. Need to make sure that their feet are sunk slightly into loose snow. Just had to get it out of my head and started.
Final revision for the day. Added the enchanted rock he is looking for, and made the snow a little more transparent.
What do you think?
Very nice. I love the fact that you kept a monochromatic colour scheme. The soldier gives your eyes someplace to land for a moment then start wandering over the image again.
I have to admit I was a bit worried when you said you where going to add a mystical destination but comparing the image without the rock to the one with the rock it works. It is subtle and may be missed the first time looking at the image.
Bare bone. Like, really bare bones lol. This is just the pre pre layout. Need lights, snow, more trees on the right to make it look more like the beginning of a forest, and need to work on the colors of the snow. I just did a simple ground plane for the snow on the ground and added a texture. Need to add some rocks and stuff to break up the flat. will add falling snow at the very end. Need to make sure that their feet are sunk slightly into loose snow. Just had to get it out of my head and started.
I agree with Chohole about the trees but since this is a very, very rough draft first version I will wait for something a little more polished to comment further.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
Any other suggestions.....?
This second version is a lot better I think! Really nice! To me the only thing is the flag... a UN flag seems so out of place compared to the uniform and guns.
Your right Ati, but I didn't want to use any specific country flag and used the UN flag instead, I thought this way it'll matches the scene title (Unknown Enemy Battle).
Here is the enhanced 3rd version with deferent owl.
Yes, it is pretty much how I would do it in Bryce. I would duplicate the road, raise it the tinest tad and then apply a mat with a transmap in it's structure to make the snow and ice patches. I would also use a little specul;arity to simulate a slightly wet surface on the actual road.
It is also possible to apply dFormers to a geometry shell if you want to try and create piles of snow. And you can create multiple geometry shells so can layer effects similar to what might be done in Photoshop.
Winter in Australia mate ;)
I'd try using stone props and/or primative shapes to add some snow traces.
I've changed the light intensity and reduced the shadow softness, and also change the rain direction to match the flag. added dirt to the engaged solders uniforms, increased the Bang size and color.
Any other suggestions.....?
The one thing that catches my eye is the Snowy Owl on the fence post. With all the noise and commotion going on I cannot imagine it would remain calmly sitting there looking around like that.
Is this one of Adam Thwaites props? Does it have different poses? Having it's wings spread about to take off or even flying away would seem more appropriate for this scene.
Who wouldn't be happy about to go surfing. The light in the upper right corner seems a little bright.
Great start.
First attempt. I'm sure it tells a story, but I'm not quite sure what it is.
(The background is a photo I took in a local park - at Easter!)
Any comments would be most welcome.
Well done on the environment! Only really one thing that bothers me and that is that I wouldn't want to sit on a snowy/winter cold bench like that without anything between my bum and the cold/snowy surface of the bench. Typically gloves are used for this. In some places benches have electrical heating during winter so people can sit on them without problem but that bench looks very frosty.
Hi everyone! :)

First attempt with the fog camera, and first attempt with the winter brushes.
Absolutely no story to tell, other than the classic schoolbook "Hey, it's snowing in the forest!" theme... :)
What do you think?
It actually reminds me of a hike we took a couple years ago. It was early, it was still dark, it was raining. One of the girls was joking about her ability to make the rain stop. We told her to do so. She did. The rain turned into snow for the rest of the day... :)
Nice work TreeDee, I'd recommend also to change the backdrop photo with some higher waves sea.
For Example :
This is a lovely image Ati. The only thing it is missing (for me anyway) is a focal point.
Perhaps a deer or something to give the eye something to land on.
A nice job with the winter brushes.
Thanks Kismet2012, and yes your right about the owl, I'll change its pose, this owl is from Poser Animals figures, it must have other poses, otherwise I'll have to pose it using its bones :)
I have mine laid out I just need to put it together. Not much time today or tomorrow to work on it but I have the idea and basic layout. I want to do a white wolf in a winter setting either on a mountain top or in a forest. Not sure if I want a day or night scene. Also not sure if I am going to use a human with it or not. I just need to find the time to see what I have in my runtime to put it together lol. And how bad is it when I have a concert to go to tonight with friends and paint night with daughter and sister and friends tomorrow night and I almost wish I could stay home and work on this?
Not bad at all...when inspiration hits you want to take advantage of least...that is how it works for me.
Ya I have started to carry a small sketch pad so I can sketch out the ideas when they hit. Of course, sometimes they hit at the most inopportune times. Like driving on the highway lol
Yeah I know what you mean Sonja, I remember one yr I was driving out to my mothers trailer and I seen to the passenger side of the car a family of deer grazing through the snow in the feild looking for the grass under all the snow and I so wanted to draw that right then and there but had to get to my mom's giggles but on the way back they were still there in the same field so I got my cell phone out and snaped a pic, so saved me from sitting there for hours just watching them.
I like the entire scene, but I love the trees in the foreground the most! They're perfect for framing, too (both left and right).
This second version is a lot better I think! Really nice! To me the only thing is the flag... a UN flag seems so out of place compared to the uniform and guns.
Haha, now this is a different winter scene from what we are used to here. :))))
Thanks for the feedback. Hmm, I don't have a deer. I only have horses and mice. :D I added a lost soldier, who is so desperate to find the treasure, even the snow does not stop him. :))) I may add a mystical destination for him somewhere in the background...

Bare bone. Like, really bare bones lol. This is just the pre pre layout. Need lights, snow, more trees on the right to make it look more like the beginning of a forest, and need to work on the colors of the snow. I just did a simple ground plane for the snow on the ground and added a texture. Need to add some rocks and stuff to break up the flat. will add falling snow at the very end. Need to make sure that their feet are sunk slightly into loose snow. Just had to get it out of my head and started.
Your trees need to sink into the ground. at the moment they are floating
Final revision for the day. Added the enchanted rock he is looking for, and made the snow a little more transparent.

What do you think?
Very nice. I love the fact that you kept a monochromatic colour scheme. The soldier gives your eyes someplace to land for a moment then start wandering over the image again.
I have to admit I was a bit worried when you said you where going to add a mystical destination but comparing the image without the rock to the one with the rock it works. It is subtle and may be missed the first time looking at the image.
I like it
I agree with Chohole about the trees but since this is a very, very rough draft first version I will wait for something a little more polished to comment further.
But I do think this is a good start.
Yes I already took those out and added snow covered pines. That's just the basic mock up. now its adding details and nailing down placements.
Your right Ati, but I didn't want to use any specific country flag and used the UN flag instead, I thought this way it'll matches the scene title (Unknown Enemy Battle).
Here is the enhanced 3rd version with deferent owl.
Here's what I started kicking around last night.