Genesis Paramaters/Morphs

After DS 4.5 I reset a lot of downloads and reinstalled genesis content to see what I could manage to do. One problem I'm seeing is that many of the morph entries have zero effect. There are two sets: one when 'Genesis' is selected and another when 'Actor' is selected. The former do not have all the entries of the latter though there is some overlap. More troubling is that some have no effect whatsoever.
For example, even though the Heavy morph works (as does baby and troll), the Torso Length 'parameter' has no effect. As with most/all of the genesis parameters it defaults to showing a range from 0 to 1. As many/most genesis parameters true range is more like 0 to 100 or -100 to 100 I tried values in those ranges to no effect. There is never a change.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I too have noticed that some morphs have no effect :(
When I can get time away from the kids, I will try and make a list of non working dials/sliders and either post them here for Daz attention (like they will both taking notice!) or I will fill in a bug report having gathered all the data I can... (once again) not that a bug report will make much difference other than being marked `resolved` prematurely!
I wonder when this PAID for bug fix release, lets call it what it is!... (AKA: 8.5 `update`!) will become a stable and final release? More to the point, why we are paying for an `update` that does not even repair issues that SHOULD have worked in the 8.1 version that we PAID for!!! This `update` (remember, its not a bug fix) has a few additions to Carrara, but, mainly it serves to assist Daz in selling MORE new content (before they have fixed the previous content and program issues that remain unresolved!)...
It seems to be the Daz way, charge for a product that's rushed through the door so fast its not complete and then slam the door in our face and refuse to answer it if you knock ! And then, divert your attention by bringing out the next big thing...resulting in loop scenarios / a catch 22 situation and further disappointment :(
HI Thoromyr :)
There's a new option in C8.5 beta, which allows you to manually set the parameter limits for all the morphs, it's little grey cog / gear.
(see pic)
As for some morphs not working,... they should be working,, the problem could possibly be in the content meta data, or some version conflict.
There have been several characters and morphs packs which have caused issues and have been updated to resolve these issues.
make sure that you have the latest versions of morph packs, and also make sure that you open Daz Studio to refresh the database.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks for confirming the problem, I may try to enumerate the non-working ones as well. The trend I am seeing is full body morphs work, partial body morphs vary.
well... that is exactly what I have done. It was a lot of downloading and a lot of installing, too. I didn't reinstall *everything*, mostly those items whose versions changed.
It helps to know that it *should* be working. I don't suppose you know if torso length is an add-on morph?
Daz is very well aware of this issue - in fact, Daz-spooky was one of the first to post about it.
See and add your comments
I've put in comments but this seems to be a "works/doesn't work" kind of thing. Meaning, Torso Length works for 3dage, but not for me. Not even a little. I can set it to 100 or -100 and nothing happens. 100% reproducible -- on *my* install. And that seems to be the catch. *Something* is causing morphs not to work for some people in a completely reproducible fashion -- for them -- but this error does not appear to be inherent in the product.
I remember reading in another thread that the uninstallers don't always remove everything they installed and some remove things they didn't. This sort of misbehavior could make tracking things down very difficult for anyone who installed genesis content. Without a change log its hard to say what was changed, but some content went from v1.0 when I first downloaded it to v1.5! And there was one that went from v1.01 to v1 and *back* to v1.01 -- I have all of the downloads for that one and can verify that the original v1.01 is *identical* to the current v1.01.
HI Thoromyr :)
You could try resetting the database in DS,.. under "Content Library" (top corner menu) / "Content DB Maintenance"
I've had several issues with morphs conflicting or not working as expected, since DS4 and Genesis were released, and I ended up deleting "everything" from DS, including all the "user" files which daz studio creates after installing. (users / app data / roaming..)
Then did a clean install, using the updated versions,.
Fortunately (for me, as least) all the issues I've had, have been addressed by a combination of the beta development of Carrara, and the updated product releases. (plus the clean install)
I'm not sure is Torso length is an add on or comes with genesis,. since everything just adds into genesis now.
Thanks again for helping,
Well, then I should be able to get it to work and that is nice. I hope it doesn't involve reinstalling *everything* as that will take a considerable amount of time since there's no way to batch the installs.
Okay. Does make it harder to pin why some morphs work and others don't. Meaning, if it was in an add on that I haven't reinstalled yet that could cover it. I don't have any reason to think it'd be in any particular add on, but what do I know.
In any case, I appreciate your attempts to help me.
No,. I found that there were still files in the Appdata folder, even after manually going through all the Uninstallers,. so i grabbed the big hammer and simply started deleted folders. back to a clean slate.
Yes. it's a long process doing it manually.
I remember reading about a Batch installer a while back, but can't remember it's name .. possibly in the old forum now.
There are issues which effect the way DS files currently function in Carrara 8.5 beta, like the "Duplicate ID" issue, or the morphs issues here, but it's actually part of the Beta development Process to find things like this and then let the developers work out why and find a method that works for us.
Deleting what you have, and installing fresh is a "Work around" that can solve the issue for you now, but it's not a solution.
the solution is to develop Carrara so that there isn't a problem working with genesis and it's morphs or shaders.
I know it''s not very helpful right now, but that's the current state of things, and the developers need to address issues like this, as they are highlighted.
Yes, it is Beta and we are testing to help identify problems. My report was hardly posted when I received an e-mail to upload the files. I replied immediately to point out that the files were around 5Meg each and that the bug tracker would not allow uploading and asked for an alternative method of getting the files to Daz.
Complete silence since - so hopefully they have managed to identify the problem without needing my files - but a quick "Thanks, not needed any more" would have been nice and encouraged me that they were actually doing something about it.
Hi Roy :)
I Agree, the Bug tracker file limit is archaic ,.. I wonder if I can Bug report it :)
I Use "Dropbox" which allows you to drop files into your "public folder" of your PC, and copy a "public link" which you can then paste into your Bug report, or email etc..
that's the free and easy way to work around file limits for emails and things like the Bug tracker.
Andy :)
Hi andy - thanks for the suggestion.
Would I not be breaking The TOS by uploading to a public site something which could be used to extract proprietary figures from?
Thanks for all the advice.
As to uploading elsewhere, I had the issue with file size limitation in the bug tracker and uploaded it elsewhere and gave DAZ_Spooky access. I've got multiple ways to do this and don't recall just which way I did it, but if you have a public place you can upload then encrypting the file first is a way to get around it being public. Then you can provide the decryption password privately to Daz.
Even better would be to use public key cryptography, but I don't know that Daz is setup to be able to do that.
HI Roy :)
When you install dropbox, it creates a set of folders on your PC, one of these is called "Public" (but your dropbox "account" is private).
the files you choose to share openly with anyone can only be accessed through a "public link". which you would email them.
that link will only allow them to download that specific file.
If you remove the file from the Dropbox / Public folder on your PC, then it's no longer available to anyone.
Only people with the link you give them will be able to download the file, they don't have access to your account, or any other files..
So,.. you decide who gets a link to download the file, and how long it's available. There's no Public access to your files.
Unless you want people to access that file, and you choose to share the link openly,
Thanks Andy - that's a great idea. I'll go create an account right now.
The point I'm making is that Daz is asking us to help them by testing - they should make it simpler for us to do so. When someone e-mails me asking for help and I reply asking how I can help, I at least expect an answer - that is simple, common decency.
I hear you Roy,. :)