US AI 48 Hour Film Contest - View Entries & Vote

Hello Filmmaker,
If you have been following along with the US AI 48HFP competition, then you will be interested to know that the submitted films are now available for viewing and Audience Choice voting!
The US AI 48HFP competition took place the weekend of January 12th -14th with 14 teams at kickoff. Thirteen of the teams turned in films and all are online for viewing for the low price of $5 USD. See the wide variety of ways in which AI was used to create content in the 48-hour time limit. Follow the link below to check them all out and vote for your favorites!
You are welcome to share the link below with family and friends so that they will have the opportunity to view and vote on the films created with this emergent technology. You may also post it to your social media pages!
Here a quick note about voting; For your votes to count, you will need to click on the 'Like" heart when viewing a film. You must 'Like' three films and ONLY three films. If you 'Like" more than three, or less than three, your votes will be removed from the total and not counted. Please be careful so that your votes count!
Audience Choice Voting will end on
February 4th at 11:59pm US Pacific Time
Click here to view and vote!
I'm getting no sound from the free trailer, I reported it to the manager.
The manger responded, the videos have sound but not the trailer.
I have watched all 13 of the AI entries, some interesting stuff. The visuals are definitely different from the normal 48 Hour entries (live action and animation), many with that "other worldly" look of AI images. One video in particular impressed me, "Whispers Of The Night Market", mystery genre. Unlike some entries which used a mix of AI and live action, pretty much the whole thing was done in AI (I think) - scenes, character, animation, lip sync, etc. A couple of screen grabs attached - the required character was a food truck cook, and the required prop a rocket. IMHO, the quality matches a GTAV cut scene, which to me is high praise. Not sure I want to get into AI animation, my trusty Carrara is way more familiar.
~ all in all an interesting subject ~
Interesting, yes. A method for "better" videos? I dunno ... still waiting for that "paradigm shift" video, or something like the CGI breakthroughs of the original "Star Wars", "Toy Story", etc. Still, these 48 Hour AI teams took a good shot, hats off.
did'nt vote + have looked at others on the web And many A.I. images on Deviantart
And here an article about making AI videos + thanx
Thanks, interesting if a little spooky. From the article: "There’s a joke doing the rounds that you might have heard: I didn’t sign up for a future where humans stack shelves and clean toilets while the robots make video and music."
you'r welcome + quite intresting _ did'nt find it spooky but OK
_ They have anothr about A.I.
And saw Krita has an A.I. like Adobe except they'r Free + Thanx
Just to clarify, by "spooky" i did not mean the video, just the fact that it could be done with AI.
I have not used Adobe's [not free] "Gen Fill", but the free Krita looks interesting, especially if you already have the required hardware.
Looking forward to watching. As far as voting, maybe they should get the ai to vote. ;)
Yes , took it you ment the " Tools " _ did'nt find it's ability spooky
+ was more lik would lik to use this to see how it is + Thanx
yeah , this compter is rather modest + not sure of the requiremnts + Thanx
yeah , but dont give 'em any ideas Becaus then be voteing for govt officals + Thanx OH-NOES