iRay rendering Environment domes using the mirror ball trick

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited December 2015 in Freebies

Chasm iRay rendered using the mirror ball trick

i'll eventually post a tutorial on my site 

you create a sphere in daz studio 4.8
apply a polished aluminum shader ( mirror )
render this ball from above looking down
repeat with a camera below the ball and looking up

note that you must not render the whole half-a-ball, so you must figure how to frame at the horizon line
( i rendered the whole hemisphere then cropped at 0.707 of the image size, i'll get the pixel-perfect equation  in my tutorial )

then use the program Luminance HDR
or PanoTools etc

to Transform-Project the 2 images, mirror-ball to cylindrical 
( maybe that's not the correct destination format but it seems to work )

then use a paint program to assemble the two halves


for the beach scene i used this method

create a sphere / diameter 1cm / divisions 64 / sides 128 / position ( 0, 150, 0 )
select the sphere / Go in the Surfaces tab / Select the "Default" surface of the sphere
apply the shader / My DAZ 3D Library / Shader Presets / Iray / DAZ Uber /  Metal Aluminum Polished
change the Base color to full bright white ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )

Render Settings : Square image, ex : 4000x4000
Render Settings : Environment / Draw Dome / ON
Render Settings : Environment / Environment map / Strength: 1.0 (instead of 2 )
i'm not sure but i think increasing "Environment Lighting Resolution" may improve the results
Render Settings : Environment / Environment map i changed the image to an equirectangular image from…

create a camera / position ( 0, 157, 0 ) rotation ( -90, 0, 0 )
Select the camera, Parameters tab / Camera settings / Adjust the Focal length until the ball fills the screen ( 233mm )

for the bottom hemisphere renders, 
the camera is at ( 0, .1, 0 ) 
the camera rotations are ( 0, 90, 0 )
adjust the Focal length until the ball fills the screen ( 233mm )
note: if the camera is below ground level, and the iRay ground is ON, the iRay ground will block the view ! that's why we used yPosition = 0.1


this image shows that we must not render the whole surface of the mirror ball in order to get the hemisphere 


and here you can see the settings i used to transform from the mirror-ball to the cylindrical format



then i save the image in tif format,

it's an HDR tif i think

my Paintshop pro 5 couldnt open it

when i convert it to png using imagemagick/convert ... it looks a bit dark

but all those issues will be dealt with ... later later later :)

but maybe before xmas



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Post edited by mCasual on


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