Here I go again making props for Genesis - help
I have a slightly better grasp but once again I'm still not able to get a properly functioning prop with Genesis. Following all the documentation provided.
The prop has vertices which stick and don't move from a location still near the ear/head when the object follows Genesis into a different Shape while other vertices continue to move just fine. So I was trying to go through the steps for Rigidity Map and I can't Add one. The option isn't available for me.
Surfaces (Material groupings):
a. black
b. metal
1. Imported object.
2. Saved object as DUF.
3. Loaded prop.
4. Used the Transfer Utility
5. Using the Polygon Group Editor to select one surface selection (black) and then go to Create Rigidity Group from selected; Participant.
6. Using the Polygon Group Editor to select the other surface (metal) and make that the Reference.
7. Tool ---> Weight Map Brush. No ability to Add Map.
LOL. Sorry I'm at a loss here. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
A rigidity group says "don't deform this when creating an auto morph". The reference polygon is the one that anchors the rigidity group, the whole thing will move as a unit in the way that the reference polygon is moved by the auto-generated morph. So, assuming you want the earrings to move as a unit, for each you'd want to select the whole thing as the rigidity group, with a single polygon on the ear lobe selected as the reference.
For example, heer I created a really finely detailed earring and used the Transfer Utility to rig it for Genesis. As you can see, with no Rigidity Map applied dialling up the RawArt Drakon has badly warped it. But if I then select the whole Cylinder and assign it to a new Rigidity group, LEar, and then select the top of the cylinder and assign it as the reference for the group, dialling up Anubis scales the earring up to match Anubis' ears, but doesn't distort it.
So are you telling me that when that prop gets re-saved it will retain that information for that reference polygon on Genesis?
No, I meant a polygon on the earring sitting on the ear - prsumably you would want one on the post, so that it always stays with the ear lobe.
Yeah. Sorry I re-read your last reply. This is what happens. When it goes from default Genesis down all the way to the little girl shape.
This is what it should look like.
This was the tutorial I was trying to follow.
I think I see what is meant. Select the full earring as a rigid group then select the HOOP? as the reference point. Is that correct?
Ok. I think I've got it now without the other (bad) distortion BUT there's seems to be yet another hurdle. The shape is now turned into an oval instead of the original circular shape of the earring after going through the full change down to the Basic Child.
1. I selected the whole earring.
2. Polygon Assignment ---> Create Rigidity Group from Selected ---> Create the rigidity group name
3. Select a small polygon at the very top of the hook of the earring.
4. Polygon Assignment ---> Assign to Rigidity Group as Reference ---> Select the group name
I was even able to create a Rigidity Map as well this time. Didn't do much with that since I really have no idea what to do with that. Doesn't work pleasantly either trying to brush over the surface with the brush tool. Kind of difficult to see as well.
The outcome of that is shown below:
You may need to select a different reference polygon, as I understand it the whole mesh is transformed as the reference polygon is (which is why, in my example with Anubis, the cylinder gets longer - but it doesn't obviously distort the shape, being just a simple cylinder). The alternative would be to create a gneuine child morph - just export the mesh as it is, rescale it, and load as a new morph target to replace the auto-generated one..