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Oh no! Slosh, a.k.a. VunterSlosh? I'm sorry to read of his passing. I'm new to all this, still, so...
May he Trip The Light Fantastic.
It's not "VunterSlosh", it's "Vunter Slaush". I don't believe that person and Sloshwerks were the same, especially since Vunter Slaush had a new product released just five days ago.
No, SloshWerks. He originally went by Slosh, but a while back changed it to SloshWerks. He is not a vendor under any other name elsewhere.
Been away from the site for awhile and just hearing about this: so sad, sooo sad :'( His Daz items were some of my very favorite 3D things and I will regret that I won't see any new products from him in the store. My sincerest condolences to his friends and family. I'm just flabbergasted...
Still paying hommage to #Sloshwerks - and submitted this for review to post in my gallery, "Gee, I wish I were a Man - I'd Join The NAVY"
(edited by mod to fix quote)
Slosh made the most amazing sets with the right amount of grims and grit.
Here is his Triple Moon Cottage...perfect home for a wizard
Another scene with the Cottage Porch. It's a great place to pose a character.
Thank you. I'm still loving all the pictures!!
Hope you like this one, too - Lyoness. I am honored to use your LY Sorrell HD to pay #Sloshwerks homage once again. For those of you whom may have noticed, a scene which inspired #Sloshwerks to create one of his assets, was recently in the news; the VERY photo of the moment #Sloshwerks recreated with his Naval Uniforms for Genesis 2 male clothing & poses. #UndonditionalSurrender aka #KissingTheWarGoodbye (as noted in the Library of Congress)
Some have claimed this event not only represents a dark moment in our world's history, but that it may have been unscripted - despite there being TWO professional cameramen at the right place at the same time with multiple shots taken. Alfred Eisenstaedt took 4 photos -1 which was on the cover of Life Magazine, while Victor Jorgensen only took the one published in the New York TImes and is royalty-free. This was an event that defined our grandparents, our nation and our world by that August 14, 1945 moment captured AT Times Square. Whether you think it was staged or not - it happened, it is forever archived in the Library of Congress AND it is immortalized by The One And Only Sloshwerks - WHOM carefully and meticulously recreated that event that my distant cousin George Mendonsa and Greta Friedman posed for the cameras by kissing to celebrate the end of a terrible war.
Again, I thank the #Sloshwerk #VunterSlaush Family and the great & talented artists like you Lyoness for supporting Brian and his talents.
Woodman House Bedroom turned into living room with angry baby unicorn, for reasons.
This is tucked inside @Stonemason 's new Lotus Suite:
What a nice gesture.
He must be as thoughtful as he is talented.
Lovely, just lovely.
My heart. I didn't even know the man, but this still made me tear up.
this is most heart warming! gonna add it to my shopping cart for the next time I've got funds left over to spend. Thank you #Stonemason
I just installed onto my new computer and as I looked over it I realized it was perfect for Valentine's Day and was by SloshWerks. If you have a scene where you need a deep red rose bud either alone or in a vase, it is here, along with two lilies and a tulips. And food, lovely food. His sets are a gift that keep on giving. So wonderful.
I'm still using his all the time. Funny, I have Triple Moon Cottage & Breakfast in Bed wishlisted & never noticed they were his. So glad his works are still available.
Well, sad that he's gone, but you reminded me how much enjoyment I get out of his work.
I hadn't checked in on this thread in quite a while and hadn't seen this. Thanks for posting it and thank you Stonemason for such a lovely sweet tribute. I wasn't expecting to cry when I woke up this morning :)
My condolences to his family.
I am sorry to hear this very sad news, My thought's are with his family and friends.
I rarely use sets as they come, but in the months since his passing as I've gotten my settings assembled, many props that came from his works are sprinkled throughout. I'm grateful every time I do a render that he put such artistry into the world.
I just wanted to thank everyone for continuing to post your memories and thoughts about Slosh. It's been just over a year now. I was going to write more, but I can't. But I wanted to thank you all.