Please Help With BVH Animaiton

Hello people i really need help with something.I rigged a character In Carrara and i cant make him move with BVH.
I dont know if i did it right tho i am new on this.
Here is the steps i followed.
1.I loaded a skeleton character on Poser
2.I export it in T Pose in BVH format
3.I loaded the BVH and my model on Carrara and after i matched the BVH skeleton on my character atached it on my skeleton and weight painted him.
4.Saved it him as a FBX.
5.I made a walking animation on the exact same skeleton in Poser and exported him on BVH format.
6.Loaded my FBX in Carrara and imported walking BVH trying all importing options(disable autoscale e.t.c).
Bvh is loading but my character just goes on T POSE after the zero frame.
Please if someone knows any way to fix this or another way to animate help me.
(Excuse my english)
HI sakis00000 :)
There is an easier way to do what you're trying to do.
1. save your animation in poser as a Poser (animated pose) (PZ2)
this will load into Carrara, using the content Browser, just like any other poser pose file.
2. Load your (T-Pose) BVH skeleton and attach it to you model. Select the Bones and model and create an Animation group, then drag the group into your "My Objects" folder in the Browser.
This makes it a .Car file, which you can drag 'n' Drop into any new scene.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks for the reply mate i will try it :)
is not working :( maybe something is missing on the whole procces i follow....
i drag and drop the animation file on the model but nothing happens
Is it actually animated?
No is a single frame from poser t pose in BVH format
HI :)
Are you selecting the "HIP" bone in the figure,.. then loading the BVH.
You need to select the HIP, in the list on the right hand side (Scene instance list)
Point 5. mentions the animation you made in poser, and saved out as BVH. (the walk cycle)
This should work on the figure in Carrara, but it depends on the "bone names" and structure being exactly the same.
BVH is very specific to Bone names and hierarchy structure, and will only apply to a figure with exactly the same bones and structure.
In looking at this issue,. (using poser pro 2012),. there is a difference between the exported structure of the BVH file, and the actual structure of bones in the Poser skeleton.
It also depends on "Which" skeleton you're using,.. and which version of Poser you're using.
If you can say which version of poser, and which specific "skeleton figure" you're using, that may be helpful.
If your goal is to create an animated figure in Carrara, I'd suggest using Carrara bones to rig it.
If you want to create a figure which can be animated using Poser,. then the best route is to export your model from Carrara as an OBJ, then import it into poser and either transfer the bones rig from a donor figure, or rig the figure in poser. then save it as a CR2 .
That CR2 (figure) can be loaded and animated in Poser, Daz Studio, or Carrara.
Hope it helps :)