Texturizing hair? needed Help

I bought some hair shapes from Art Station, but unfortunately they don't have any textures.
I tried to do some crafting in Carrara but the results aren't good.
I read everywhere that most people work with hair carts. I have to admit I have absolutely no idea. What I found as a tutorial is completely incomprehensible to me (not just because of the language, unfortunately I don't speak English that well)
Is there maybe something you can work with in Carrara or whatever.
at mall an object that I have loaded. How would you do that.
Thanks :)
Hello Khoe, I added a texture to the hair in the Carrara shader for the obj after I had imported the obj, and got a result.
Hair texture is from Curl Up N' Dye Hair Resource - by ForbiddenWhispers - available at Renderosity
If you played around with a black and white conversion of the hair texture and added it to the Alpha channel in the shader you might get better results.
Shader setup
As for creating a model of different hair-styles in Carrara maybe Stezza might add some knowledge.
Many thanks. I'll check that out right away.
At Artstation there are always 25 different styles, so not everything will work, but if there are just a few, that helps. :)
By the way, the price is really awesome at 6 dollars
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it is ok you are faster ;)
Will delete the model off my laptop the next time I open it up
it works very well with the textures, thanks.
I have no idea why mine aren't working properly.
Good that you know all this. :)
UV orientation of your hair strand mesh does not match the orientation of the textures you are using.
Hello Khoe, glad it's working for you.
Suggestion for the red dress hair, rotate the shader 90 degrees and see if it looks better.
Thanks for Info. i am locking for Beard Texture to you hafe a Idee.
Beard Texture - don't have a texture in particular.
Also depends on what figure you are using in your scene.
Recommend a search of the DAZ3D & Renderosity shops for Beards to find something of a style that suits the figure you are using.
I think i use Denesis1. an this ar the Beard. :)
thanks for Help.
Ah-ha, another hair pack !
I would try the Natural Hair texture from Curl Up N' Dye Hair Resource and see if it works out