Live Link blendshapes don't work

Hey, guys! So I've been wanting to transfer my DAZ character to Unreal via the DazToUnreal Bridge using the coresponding morphs for the Apple Arkit. Even though the "Genesis8.1Arkit" button doesn't add all the necessary morphs, I took my time and added them by hand. Everything transfers well, the textures, materials etc, except for the correct functioning of the morphs and the live link. The only morphs that work are the Jaw Open and Head Rotators (and even these don't work properly concerning the axis on which they rotate). 

I want to use this character for vtubing so I really need to figure out how to use live link :) 

Has anyone stumbled upon this problem ? Any tips would be highly appreciated!


  • Jay VersluisJay Versluis Posts: 249

    You'll probably need the viseme morphs at the least, those are not exported by default. They're a little hard to find.

    On the Daz to Unreal export dialogue, choose Export Morphs, then under Pose Controls - Head you'll find Visemes. Select everything in the list and choose Add for Export. Hit accept and send your character to UE. It should now be able to talk via Live Link.

    Good luck!

    1022 x 992 - 97K
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