Points and Textures in UV View (solved)

Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,135
edited December 2015 in Hexagon Discussion

Is there any way to manipulate the points in UV View and also retain the underlying texture image?  Whenever I click on a point to move it the texture image disappears.

Post edited by Cayman Studios on


  • Problem solved.  The required Material had to be set for the main object, not just for the Shading Domain.  It was only because I had this working in another file that I persisted with looking for a solution.  Hexagon is so damned flakey!  I never know if I am making a mistake, or the feature does not exist, or simply that Hexagon is fully RAMmed up and is now too tired and needs some sleep.

  • Cayman said:

    Hexagon is fully RAMmed up and is now too tired and needs some sleep.

    I Know how it feels :) 

    Glad to hear you solved the UV problem.


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