12/12: A great day to Smile again :) ...................................... COMMERCIAL

Hi Everyone
Get ready for a new smile set for the Male generation 3
The Female set has been released a few months ago and received a great feedback so here comes the all new male version of "Smile Delight"
This is a set of 25 custom made smile to fit all your Genesis 3 male characters. Some are subtle, other are very expressive, you can mix them all together or with existing expressions morphs.
If you have any question, please, feel free to post them here, and i'll answer as soon as possible.

1000 x 1300 - 598K
Cool. I always add your smiles to my toolbox.. .I really ought to make better use of them, though :)
"If you meet someone without a smile, give them yours"
These look wonderful! I'm so upset, so many things I want to buy from the current sale, but I have to wait till christmas to have money for myself @_@ Just know I will be picking this up in a few weeks time!
Thank you !
I didn't know this one but i like it a lot !!!
There is normally images in that post, i don't know if they appear or not so i'm gonna post some new one to see.
The set is now live on store, and with all the christmas discount and stuff, it's at about 50%
i hope you will like it :)
And all the thumbs
Really great work!
Looking great, how did you get the teeth to look so realistic in the thumbnail picture? Wow.
Nothing particular.
Subd to 2 i think
I may have used Michael 7 teeth Txture with SSS but i'm not even sure ;)
Which lighting did you use? One of your own or one available in the shop? That may have something to do with it, I've been messing with settings and lights to get realistic teeth.