Wish List Manager
I'm working on a Wish List Manager for DAZ, first alpha version is out if anyone wants a copy. It is and will remain free. Download link here:
NET 3.5, tested in Win 7 and 8 but not 10 yet but I believe it also works here. Don't install in any of the program folders, use the ProgramData folder or some other folder of your choice.
There is a link to a tutorial in progress under Help (read before using the program (browse the tutorial with left-right keys)), and a draft of some of the stuff not yet in the tutorial here:
You can use keyword search as well as exclude items based on different criteria. To use the keyword search you must first enter the keywords you want to use in the items' "Comment" boxes in the original online list in the middle pane. You can enter up to three different keywords for an item, they must be entered as the first line in the box, and with a single space between each word, like here:
[keyword1 keyword2]
[keyword1 keyword2 keyword3]
You can also include a priority keyword so you can sort items after priority:
LP = low priority
MP = medium priority
HP = high priority
Enter the priority keyword as the first word in the keyword sequence, e.g. like this:
[LP keyword]
[HP keyword1 keyword2 keyword3]
If you want you can add additional text as well, just avoid using square brackets anywhere in the additional text as this may confuse the search function. Then click the "Save Comment" button to close the input box. The Comment updates will take effect immediately, just click the "Sort List" button to update the list in right pane.
When using keyword search you can enter from one to three keywords in the search field under the right pane. You must include a single space between each word. Keyword search can be combined with exclusions to narrow down your search.
In the left pane you can view the items' product pages. Just click the item's picture in the box in the right pane to load the product page.
Hi Taozen.
Is there any way to uncheck "Hide Items I Own" ?And do you have plans to increase the number of keywords ?
If you click "Filter by" the checkbox will show up.
Technically it should be possible to have thousands of keywords (though I'm not sure how many characters DAZ' Comment Boxes can store). I just limited it to 3 to see if that was enough. For a larger amount I could make something like this (see screenshot) where you can define a list of keywords to select from, this way you also avoid typos and forgetting your keywords. It's also easier than typing.
BTW, setting browser compatibility only needs to be done the first time you use the program, the setting is stored in registry. Forgot to mention that in the tutorial.
Also, the item count displayed on top of the original DAZ Wish List will not represent the actual number if the list contains duplicate items (I have about 70 of these) as these are included in the total count. With the "All" setting the duplicates will not be listed though, only if you choose 60 or 120 items per page. The program should show the correct number of unique items if the content of all boxes is loaded correctly when scrolling.
BTW, currently there's no indicator for owned/purchased items in the boxes in the right panel as it wasn't meant to handle these, but if there is a tag or something to identify them with in the HTML it should be easy to add one, as well as an exclude filter.
As long as "Hide Items I Own" is unchecked in Daz wish list (center pane) then everything gets loaded in Wish List Manager.
If a user doesn't want to be able to search them they won't have re-added owned content in their wish list nor loaded them to WLManager so probably not much need to add an exclude filter. Don't know. How many folks other then me use Daz wish list to search through their owned content?
I have been hanging out for a way to tag and search my wish list. If I end up with only three tags that is way better then none but five would be really useful.
One other thing I'd like to see in the Daz wish list set up is the ability to add to the comment dialog from the product page ie as you wish list it.
Can't see that happening but dreams are free :-D
Updated to 0.504
There's now a keyword checklist box instead of the input field. Right click on it and select "Edit Keywords" to edit keywords.
Keywords are case sensitive and must be a single word.
The other items in the context menu is for easy copying of keywords into the Comment Field. Check the keywords in the checklist box you want to copy and select one of the options from the context menu, either keywords only or with HP/MP/LP priority tags included. Then paste them into the Comment Field and click Save Comment.
i'm probably too late to the party judging by the date of the last post, but is there any way to reset the password in this?
i had a look through the registry but couldn't see anything clearly related.
mine's just stuck on 'calculating...' and isn't logged in at all from what i can see, and i may have entered the wrong pw.
It's based on a clone of the IE browser on your system, but IE is outdated and no longer compatible with the DAZ store. So it's fundamentally broken, just forgotten to take the page down. It was kind of an experiment anyway and functionally a bit clumsy to work with
You could try ATIs browser plugin, it has some nice wishlist features:
ah yeah after persisting with it after posting here, and trying to login to the store direct from IE, i eventually figured out that it was IE that was broken, not the plugin.
i already have Daz Deals set up but that's more for Daz+ users, and i got a bit tired of getting my daily email saying e.g. 'product nnnn is on sale for $x' only to find out that it's a Daz+ price and the normal price applies for us non-Daz+ peeps, or the item was never on sale at all
what i was hoping to gain from WishList Manager was a searchable wishlist, e.g. to filter so i see only hair, or only shaders, etc. - Daz Deals is supposed to do that, but it doesn't work for me in either Firefox or Opera - as soon as i select 'show wishlist only' the filter field disappears
never mind, i will carry on doing things manually. thanks for the reply!