i13 Epic Archery Collection

I was about to purchase this set of archery props and poses in the winter sale, but looking at the poses, I am put off by the way she is holding the bow with her index and thumb over the top of the arrow. That's definitely not the way I learned how to hold a bow.
Does anyone know if I will be able to correct the way the hand holds the bow? It's not something I should have to do, if the poses had been done correctly in the first place.
I guess that's why it's 'epic'? Weird.
I was going to say 'well, the arrow placement can vary and there are pinch pulls and...' but... yeah. Having the arrow pass between your fingers is... ... well, epic, I guess.
This ones more accurate, cause the person who made them actually is an archer.
An epic way to lose fletchings, tear up your hand, and throw off your shot. This bow however, doesn't have a rest for the arrow, so the hand does need to support it somehow. I shoot with arrow on hand side (as in Firstbastion's link, but with a much smaller rest just above the index finger), but people DO shoot on draw side (it's faster to load). I'm having a hard time visualizing how they would hold the arrow without a rest though.