Linwelly's Grove



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Hey people I nee you help here. This is a WIP of a character I'm hoping to get together. So the plan is that the girl should remind of an animal, not really look like an antromorph but rising the imagination. So the question is, does she remind you of an animal and if so which one. I will update this later with more info but I first want your wild guesses without giving the direction.

    Second thing I'm not sure about is if I like the toonyness of the character, especially the skin ( I know the eyes are to large, that alone gives a toon vibe, but that is intentional) the basis is a morphed g3f with the Jeane materials. though I tinkered a bit with the skin and its already better than before. Important information, this is 3delight (as usual). Thanks for your input!

    707 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I'm probably way off base, but, with the wider nose and and the way the mouth is shaped, along with the hair draped like it is, she reminds me a little like a sheep if I'm thinking in animal terms.  I like the slightly bigger eyes. I think she's very cute!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    She looks more cat like to me. Part of that is the big eyes and the shape of her mouth.  I think she's super cute!

  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    I was thinking sheep or maybe donkey.  Getting a slight profile shot might make it easier as it's harder to accurately assess nose shape from a straight on view.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    haha, ok I get where the idea with the sheep comes from I can say its not. And you are right Jack a profile comes right away, please ignore the lack of proper background

    707 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited May 2016

    With her big dark eyes, she reminds me of the Puss in Boots in the Shrek Movies. :-)

    The side view in the second render does not stand this animal comparison anymore. However interessting character and very nice renders! :)

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Is it possible to see her without the hair?


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    My first thought was a chipmunk.  Not sure why.  Maybe because I think chipmunks are cute.


    The profile image is giving me a cat vibe.  The nose and jaw are starting to take on a muzzle like look to them, coupled with the large eyes and ears.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Thanks everybody for the feedback, time to solve the riddle. What I was aiming for is this laugh:

    ( yes thos a re mine)

    So the next question is, does that fit or what could be altered to make it more fitting? I guess though it will alwys be open to some interpretation space and that is ok as I will give some more hints in the renders I plan on her. eg I want to morph the hair into a double loop hanging left and right.

    As requested here she is as baldy (that does look weird)

    2592 x 1552 - 807K
    707 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Maybe if you pin the ears back a little (bring them in closer to the head?), it might help.  Also, I would try to flatten the tip of her nose just a little.  The mouth is off for the bunny look, but I'm not sure what to change to make it more bunny like while still making her look like a reasonable character without looking like an antromorph as you put it.  That being said, I think she looks cute as she is currently.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited May 2016

    Do you have a morph option that would raiser her ears?  Place them a little higher on her head?  Not all the way to the top.


    I was trying to figure out last night what animal she reminded me of.  I said cat but I knew that wasn't quite right but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. 


    Editted to add words I missed.  Often my brain dictates faster than I can type.  blush

    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I would suggest maybe making her nose a wee bit smaller and a bit more flatter, her eyes a wee bit further apart, the ears a bit more raised and rounder slightly, also maybe make her mouth a bit smaller as well with a bit of pucker. I hope that helps

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thanks a lot for the feedback, I' ll keep her original for sure but experiment a little with a copy, I'll get you the next version to look at.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Here is a first glance on the changes: right side is the starting point on both renders, left one is the altered version. I tried to change the ears a little more but the d-formers were crashing the skin cover so I didn't go there any further, reduced the pointiness a little. I guess the new version is better if shorter. I put up the same expression for both to make her open her eyes enough wink. Otherwise I'm not sure, I kind of fell in love with the original a bit, I'lll probably settle somewhere in the middle for nose and lips.


    707 x 565 - 529K
    707 x 565 - 560K
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Linwelly said:

    Here is a first glance on the changes: right side is the starting point on both renders, left one is the altered version. I tried to change the ears a little more but the d-formers were crashing the skin cover so I didn't go there any further, reduced the pointiness a little. I guess the new version is better if shorter. I put up the same expression for both to make her open her eyes enough wink. Otherwise I'm not sure, I kind of fell in love with the original a bit, I'lll probably settle somewhere in the middle for nose and lips.


    I agree with your assessment Linwelly.  I prefer the original, especially in profile.  The changes actually take her closer to "human" if that makes any sense.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I like the original better as well.  Without the hair I do lean more toward bunny than cat.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    In between a bit of Tarot inspired render made for Llola lanes Render a month. Title is Nine of Swords.

    As ususally made in 3delight no Postwork. Fun fact: there is exactly one light in this render. Fun fact 2: i didn't realise there were so many different swords in my runtime

    1132 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    Lovely work! I love how the swords in the background and foreground are a bit blured. That's a nice effect! This came out really cool! My only word of critique would be maybe desaturate the grass a tad, as it's just a bit too green. Other than that this came out great! Awesome job!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Very nice image, Linwelly! I like your use of DOF, too.


    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

    You and me both.  I seem to have gotten quite a large weapons arsenal in my Content Library.  A lot of the stranger ones were free and I honestly don't know if I'll ever use them!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Lovely work! I love how the swords in the background and foreground are a bit blured. That's a nice effect! This came out really cool! My only word of critique would be maybe desaturate the grass a tad, as it's just a bit too green. Other than that this came out great! Awesome job!

    Thanks a lot Divamakeup, yes I see what you mean with the very green grass, but then I'm often surprised as to how green stuff can look in the sunlight right before a thingerstorm. That was the effect I was going for. Maybe I went a little overboard laugh

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

    Lol, that, yes, and most of them came as freebies or were part of something else I wanted.


    Very nice image, Linwelly! I like your use of DOF, too.


    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

    You and me both.  I seem to have gotten quite a large weapons arsenal in my Content Library.  A lot of the stranger ones were free and I honestly don't know if I'll ever use them!

    Thats what the RRRR is good for, use stuff you otherise would never have an idea for...

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Linwelly said:

    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

    Lol, that, yes, and most of them came as freebies or were part of something else I wanted.


    Very nice image, Linwelly! I like your use of DOF, too.


    Great idea Linwelly and very well executed.  I'm afraid to look at my sword inventory....but if the apocolypse ever came I have a feeling I will be very prepared lol.

    You and me both.  I seem to have gotten quite a large weapons arsenal in my Content Library.  A lot of the stranger ones were free and I honestly don't know if I'll ever use them!

    Thats what the RRRR is good for, use stuff you otherise would never have an idea for...

    I keep thinking I'll get my content library all organized and make the list for the random drawing so I can do the RRRR, but I never seem to get to it.  One of these days.  I do like looking at the renders people come up with in there!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Some test renders of Jazmine, I really like the skin but the facial morph is not really african but caucasian/white. Still I want a Saxophone now for her to jam. Rendered in 3delight no postwork

    1060 x 1500 - 2M
    1061 x 1500 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Here is finally the white king for my chess people collection

    Title: Calm white sage

    I had huge fun creating this character, just was stuggeling with the skin for a long time. First I tried putting him in skin builder pro but as that requires the V5 UVs that was not entirely smoothly going. It was kind of a relief when I got Darius (which is a lovely character) and could use his skin.

    As usual made with DS 4.8, rendered in 3delight and Postwork in GIMP 2.8

    Its actually woth looking at him in full size over at dA:

    989 x 1400 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    He looks great @Linwelly.  I like the aged details of his face.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Thanks a lot Kismet!


    Here is some nonsense with the pill bug I finally bought some days ago, lovely animal and really nicely made byThe AntFarm Only ting I wish to add was, that I could move the legs seperately.

    Title: One of those days  ... .. in colony Porcellio scaber 13

    As usual made in DS4.8 rendered in 3delight and postworked with GIMP2.8


    1600 x 900 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited May 2016

    Great colors and Motion Effect! Very good work! :)

    The Chess People are an interesting series of yours. I am curious what will be next? 

    Beautiful Render for Lolas Challenge! Reminds me that there is only a few days left for my nine ...

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2016

    Für alle die an deutschsprachigen Tutorials interessiert sind ist das Twister tutorial hier auf deutsch zu finden:

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    MN-150374 said:

    Great colors and Motion Effect! Very good work! :)

    The Chess People are an interesting series of yours. I am curious what will be next? 

    Beautiful Render for Lolas Challenge! Reminds me that there is only a few days left for my nine ...

    Many thanks! I won't take credid for the chess people idea, it originates from @chanteur-de-vent challenge over at dA. But it inspires me quite much, I got several others of the set in mind already but still need time to realise

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