Linwelly's Grove



  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    Fishtales said:

    Hide the bright light at the top right. Any bright patches like that increases render time.

    Check all the surfaces for translucency and remove it from surfaces that don't need it and lower it on the others.

    Lower the glossiness on all surfaces that don't need it, don't turn it off, set it to .1 or it increases render time if set to zero. ( I don't know why, it just does)

    I learned something new, thanks.
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    Fishtales said:

    Hide the bright light at the top right. Any bright patches like that increases render time.

    That's postwork :D but then I did a good job on incorporating it

    Fishtales said:

    Check all the surfaces for translucency and remove it from surfaces that don't need it and lower it on the others.

    yes there is an odd amount of translucency settings where its not needed, additional its always worth checking if there are some things emissive when there is no need for that. The plants in this render for some reason had emissive on a lof grey tone.

    Fishtales said:

    Lower the glossiness on all surfaces that don't need it, don't turn it off, set it to .1 or it increases render time if set to zero. ( I don't know why, it just does)

    I didn't know about the .1 on this. Explaines some odd rendering times I had in previous renders.


    Thanks again for these, seems there still is quite some information about render settings that I didn't know about. keep them coming please.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    I thought that, then I thought it was just the lens flare that was post :) Even so that big bright bit facing the camera with the dark area around it, i.e. the window, will slow reneder times because of the big difference in contrast, not a lot you can do about that though :)

    I use these settings on leaves, grass and flowers.

    Doesn't speed up renders but they do look a bit better :)

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    Ooooh! Bookmarked.
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    Linwelly said:

    I went a bit out of the loop and now I'm lagging behind here, there are some new pages of my comic, some of which are not exactly DAZ gallery material ;) (though I've seen more revealing rendes there)

    There is s strech that doesn't look like much with the single panels but now I arrives at Level one in my story and I'm damn proud of that place. Its been a ton of work and the renders are way too slow for me to be happy but anyway here is one I really love for the way it turned out.

    Ideally I'd have far more people there but that just wont do with the render time.

    I've been thinking about rendereing in layers but that would take a lot of time as well. And the insta crowds are just not looking the way I need them. I would do instances if I could and I did for plants and everythign possible but with diverse people that's not an optio either. So any suggestions for lots of people are welcome

    Now that I know the story, I really LOVE this render!  The fact that the focus is on the background figures and plants rather than the main character shows where the "importance" lies.  Even though the person walking by is out of focus, I can see the sideways look of disdain.  Well done.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thank you so much @dracorn! I'm really glad that you lie the story :D

    the next page is up concluding episode 19 - level 1

    in the meantime here is what I made for Llola challenge this month, with a lot of tweaking surfaces. I think the only surface I didn't touch are the eyes. The skin was Zari to begin with, send it through the skinbuilder and tweaked some more.. I changes the translucency and the base colour of the hair and added gloss and dual Lobe to make it look a bit oiled and less frizzed on the ends.

    I altered the diamond materials, which were 3dlight  in the beginning and even changes the surface of the pearls to give them more depth. I tried running the skin which was Iray already through the Anagenissis skript which resulted in it having a weird glossy top coat, only it didn't go away with reducing the top coat thing to 0.. so I used it without the anagenessis, though i like the other changes that came with that.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Wow, serious glitz!

    I like the way the surfaces turned out, and the bloom effect definitely adds to the sparkle.  

    - She's a little cross-eyed looking at that diamond... nice touch.

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358

    Very nice picture there, really well done. The glow in the diamond really draws the eye.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    thank you both so much, a lot of glitz was the big aim and I thought that cross eyed look really was necessary in this one.

    I have to admit that the glow in the diamond itseld if post work blush

  • Beautiuful! The highlights on the jewels and her skin are gorgeous!

  • mach25mach25 Posts: 256

    looks great,good choice on Zari makes the diamond and pearls be the shiny things against dark background look best,curious if you also turned up raytrace number to max and what raytrace number is needed to use for diamond,because you want the rewarding render of for example icecastle,but you don't want spend excessive rendering time that only affects few pixels 


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thank you so much!

    I've got another render with the model, she told me her name is Jadzia Nusu Rodriguez

    I'm experimenting a bit more with portraits and colours and this is the result, I want to do more with that shooting though. Inspiration clearly is Shudu Gram by Karuki. Well, I'm miles from his quality LOL big surprise

    I certainly do like the colour flash

  • mach25mach25 Posts: 256

    Great image,really like the colors 


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    thank you so much @mach25!

    Now I'm about to fly into a frenzy over this gallery here, or more the users, who like or don't like images, like why or why even not?

    I mean, is that image bad? Is it not catching attention? Somebody please give me answers why there is not a single like on that image in the gallery ( that one that is there is my own freaking like, meh!)

    I know, we've been having that discussion time and again, but atm I have the feeling it's easier to win in the lottery than to have success in that gallery. I shouldn't be feeling bad for it.

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Don't feel bad. Most of mine never get likes. Sure, they aren't all that interesting, but some are no worse than images that do get likes. *shrugs*

    I think it's mostly the time you post and how many people post  after you that determines how many people even see your entry. I don't think anyone looks mucht beyond the first page of the galleries.

    That, and a lot of people are only in it to show, not watch, let alone give feedback in the form of likes and comments. I know I watch when I find the time, but rarely like or comment. The Daz galleries don't really invite me to do that, sadly. Not to mention that I have no networking skills in general. I mainly post stuff there to have a working link to the forums ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Yeah, I know I shouldn't feel bad about it, and the better feedback always comes here in the forums, no question about that. But then sometimes it gets you (or rather me) anyway.

    Heh, I admit I use the gallery as well to have a link for posting in the forums

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    It's often hit or miss. I'll post a render that I figure should get lots of likes but it doesn't.  The most likes I've ever gotten is 30.  

    I have found that if you reference your art in a thread it will get more likes.  Novica's Tell Us thread works pretty good.  Often people will show up at the gallery and then like other renders as well.  Haven't seen you over there in a while, Linwelly .   Maybe you should update the links to your gallery so we can give them some more love.  I just popped over to your gallery and did my part.  Love your art!  =o)


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thank a lot for your kind words @dracorn and yes you are so right, I looked yesterday and found over 50 new posts in Novicas "Tell us.." thread, so I'll have to catch up there definitely and then update mine own links as well. I guess I've been a bit preoccupied with making comics, it will be so great to have time for all that I have on my mind once the year ends...

    Thanks a ton for all the wonderful comments on my gallery *big hug*


  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    You are welcome!  

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited October 2018

    Pc sale hit me good on the first day, some nice deals in there, of course stuff I don't really need, but is nice to have anyway.

    So I got this cyclone, brushed her up a little with some iray (acutally only conversing with the Iray uber, dialing metallicity in for everything that is not spcifically non-metal and then...

    she can't flap her wings? She looks like she's supposed to be able to move the wings but I cant find the bone moving them or the controls. So anybody found out how ? Or do I have to make new bones for her... danke I knew how to do that once, I need to dig that up I guess.

    Anyway here is a render


    800 x 640 - 752K
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Great conversion on the materials.  I don't own this so I can't help with the wings...

  • You know, it looks like it was based on the Cylon Raider from the original Battlestar Galactica... which featured a similar wing-split, and could not "flap" the wings. And none of the renders I see indicate it having the ability to do so, either. You might ask the artist.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Great conversion on the materials.  I don't own this so I can't help with the wings...

    @IcedragonArt Thank you, this one was rather easy to do. I should mayby post it into that one thread with older stuff, still looking good


    You know, it looks like it was based on the Cylon Raider from the original Battlestar Galactica... which featured a similar wing-split, and could not "flap" the wings. And none of the renders I see indicate it having the ability to do so, either. You might ask the artist.

    @LynninDenver That is why I wanted it ;) but I admit I couldn't remember if they could flap their wings or not.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    No, the wings extended outward a bit to reveal the guns in the center of the'wings'.

    The flapping is probably from the episode where Starbuck and Apollo stole a cylon raider and the crew noticed the enemy cylon was 'flapping its wings' (a remark made earlier in the episode) and that let them know- one of their own was flying it. Old, old memory pull, but I think that was it.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    And I think the gallery is more like a blog now, where it matters WHEN you post. Like, when there is maximum traffic.

    I used to look at the gallery for inspiration when I first discovered Daz, but I really don't check it out anymore.

    That's probably most people now.


    Your best bet is going to be LINKING the products used in your render so that people looking at the product see your image ,,,,and that's a better method to get eyes on your work, I would think...

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    No, the wings extended outward a bit to reveal the guns in the center of the'wings'.

    The flapping is probably from the episode where Starbuck and Apollo stole a cylon raider and the crew noticed the enemy cylon was 'flapping its wings' (a remark made earlier in the episode) and that let them know- one of their own was flying it. Old, old memory pull, but I think that was it.

    She definitely did that with the stolen cylon in the newer version, but it was really only a tilt of the flyer.


    And I think the gallery is more like a blog now, where it matters WHEN you post. Like, when there is maximum traffic.

    I used to look at the gallery for inspiration when I first discovered Daz, but I really don't check it out anymore.

    That's probably most people now.


    Your best bet is going to be LINKING the products used in your render so that people looking at the product see your image ,,,,and that's a better method to get eyes on your work, I would think...

    I gues you're not lacking inspiration by now :D

    I used to put a lot of links on my images but by now its such a mix and match that I have a hard time listing things. The character image I named Jadzia has for the character alone one for the skin, plus putting it through skinbuilder and some changes in the surfaces afterwards, three other characters for the morph plus morph dials, the jair is one product with new colour from Phil and more adjustments after, the environment I took the texture into gimp to change the colours from beige brown to that turqoise. etc And that's one of the more simple renders ;) Now when I think about my comic renders LOL. It would take hours ;)

    Well nothing to be done about that I guess.



  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    Linwelly said:

    Pc sale hit me good on the first day, some nice deals in there, of course stuff I don't really need, but is nice to have anyway.

    So I got this cyclone, brushed her up a little with some iray (acutally only conversing with the Iray uber, dialing metallicity in for everything that is not spcifically non-metal and then...

    she can't flap her wings? She looks like she's supposed to be able to move the wings but I cant find the bone moving them or the controls. So anybody found out how ? Or do I have to make new bones for her... danke I knew how to do that once, I need to dig that up I guess.

    Anyway here is a render


    Wow! This looks impressive!

    Great job on changing the materials for this.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    Looks great. THAT one should be linked. I'm sure you'll help sell a lot of those raiders.

  • mach25mach25 Posts: 256
    Looks great linwelly
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thanks a lot everybody, it's in the gallery now and with linked products ;)

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