Linwelly's Grove



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited August 2019

    Some new artwork from me, this time one of my RP characters, she's inspired on mongolian culture and people, her name is Oghul Qaimish (which means "next time a boy")

    I'm sure there will be more images of her later:D

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • nice render, looks good!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Very cool!

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    What a great render Linwelly!!!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thank you so much everybody! :D

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited August 2019

    Some experiment with Stran Based Hair.. nope not on the lady in the back, its on the outside of the glass trying to simulate condesed water with it.

    Its not perfect but a fun start I think

    the render took hours and still wasn't ready, I put a denoise filter over it in Gimp

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Great image, and nifty idea to use the hair in that way! Did you add a crystal/water shader to it?

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    BeeMKay said:

    Great image, and nifty idea to use the hair in that way! Did you add a crystal/water shader to it?

    Thanks Bee, yes I applied MEC4D's drinking water shader preset to it. In the moent I have the base thick and the top of the "hair" small which makes them look like little pyramid up close. I think I will try with some other varitions to see which one will come closest. The neat thing is that you can design droplet run downs, just need to form a larger drop hanging on teh glass now.

    But the render times...

  • RurisRuris Posts: 123
    Linwelly said:
    BeeMKay said:

    Great image, and nifty idea to use the hair in that way! Did you add a crystal/water shader to it?

    Thanks Bee, yes I applied MEC4D's drinking water shader preset to it. In the moent I have the base thick and the top of the "hair" small which makes them look like little pyramid up close. I think I will try with some other varitions to see which one will come closest. The neat thing is that you can design droplet run downs, just need to form a larger drop hanging on teh glass now.

    But the render times...

    Thats some insanely creative idea. Wonder how long will it be before all these stuff (softbody,collision!) can be automated within the studio engine....

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited September 2019

    Ok some new artwork I didn't show here yet, first one was made for the Freebie challenge as inspirational art, topic for September was "turning a new leaf"

    And this one is all new, made for a challenge on deviant Art, my prompt was : " I challenge you to create a male fantasy warrior, taking on a dragon. The scene can be face to face, or in any other position - so no gore will be involved."

    so I went all flashy glowing magic elf warrior dragon fight and had a ton of fun.

    Unfortunately downscaling does a number on this image

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • RurisRuris Posts: 123

    Hi Linwelly,

    The blue shield magic effect is it a custom brush (something like those Ron's brush thingy?) or an actual 3d object (looks like one as its definitely curved on the side, which would be super difficult if its just an image). Just very interested as I was looking at some PS tutorial where a guy used a 2d image of Dr Strange magic effect and composite it on a toy figure.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    @Ruris the shield is an obj from this set: but I created my own textures for it

    Postwork in that image is the motion blurr, some vignette effect and the reflection in the dragons eye, oh and I added some more hair to the elf, he looked a bit balding :D

    the rest is all rendered.

  • RurisRuris Posts: 123

    The set has some nice stuff....from hadoken to saint seiya cosmo thingy. I suppose the spear is magically thrown since the hand movement seems unlikely. Anyway, great piece

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    good spear throwing posing is difficult, I tried different versions, from the arm way back collecting power to front, still holding it. Way back wasn't giving enough threat to the dragon, the spear got lost in the fx mishmash, front still holding it looked like it woudl never reach the aim but go down before. So I went with the spear already being thrown making the way it moves clear.

    Now if you look up poses for people throwing a spear, what comes up is athletes going for distance instead of aiming a target, so the arm after the throw is way up following a high ballistic curve. obviously not what I wanted for this fight so I tried to translate that to pure forward movement. I could have pulled the arm further out maybe but that looked odd with the contexting lines in the image.

    So yes, while its not perfect it's the best in this situation I believe.

  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Still can’t figure out “Notification” thingie for a topic.  Sometimes it works-- most of the time not.  : 0 !

    Belated thanks for your time in doing the mini-tutorial.  A novel idea about using it for condensation on a glass too!  

    PS:  like “Oghul Qaimish”  -- a nice natural expression & smile imo.

    Hope you enjoyed summer. :)


  • Linwelly said:

    This one looks pretty cool.

    The only thing to think about is the spear. I think the distance between the warrior and the dragon is to short for throwing the spear.

    Here it looks like someone behind the warrior has thrown the spear.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    at least the spear is causing discussions LOL

    well I chose a spear bacause its really dump to get so close to a dragon to hit it with a swort or and axe right, fire breathign and everyting. The spear is a really neat waepon usable at distance but as well for close range, as long as the opponent doesn't get closer that the tip of your spear. With a skilled wielder the spear is almost always winning over sword and axe in combat.

    The neat thing is that you can throw it at close distance just fine, only you're then rid of your weapon, which can be rather problematic ( the question which goes unanswered is if I managed to show that good engough in the image) good thing I know the guy still has a sword to draw on his left side for backup, it's hard to be seen though.

    But then it never was the prompt that the guy wins the fight *wink*

    @Tynkere thanks a lot! the notification is really just the "@" directly followed by the username exactly as it's written in the commentors ID box next to the comments,

    Problem is, that as soon as the name contains symbols that the system defines as end of string likw"_" or " ' " or a real space  it won't work


  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Heh.  Two years & just now learning the gear thingie & notifications.  Thanks for explanation.  “Bookmarked” topics & e-mail might be my isp.  Sometimes it sends; sometimes not.

    I need to get caught up.  How did your work with Darius 7 turn out?  “Night on Earth” w/Darius 6 amazing if didn’t get around to saying so.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    @Tynkere, I left Darius for the time being where he was, will get to work on that project again when I got need to ghe guy ;)  Thanks for the nice words on "Night on earth" yes he filled that role smoothly


    Now for a completely different world. I recently read the Broken Earth Triology by N.K. Jemisin and if you haven't yet this is definitely worth it. I haven't been so excited about a book in a long time and I still miss the characters from it. I have to add that I'm a picky reader which got worse the moment I started creating my own stories but this one just had me blown away and I couldn't stop reading.

    I heard its going to be a TV show at some point so I though I'm going to put my own visualization to those characters before they put one weird goof or another into those characters. Started with Schaffa, but I'm pretty sure the others will follow. I wanted to do some more with the image but I couldn't come up with soemthign that actually adds to it so I left him standing there in the wind. Probably once I got the others some group picture will follow.



  • I love this portrait- never heard of the series, but I may look for those books in the future (to add to the others I have picked up and not have had time to read yet, but I will!)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited October 2019

    I love this portrait- never heard of the series, but I may look for those books in the future (to add to the others I have picked up and not have had time to read yet, but I will!)

    Working on the second character from that set, I hope that will convince everybody that they need to reed that :D

    So I had another interview this time with the new magazine from Digital Art Live called VisNews

    That magazine comes with their Visual Narratives Academy, so If you are interested in story telling techniques using art, thats where you will get a lot of good information, here is the link:

    The full interview in in the third issue, here is how it's starting

    1442 x 929 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited October 2019

    I took another character from the Broken Earth Triology by N.K. Jemisin

    This one is called Essun and her story is being told in the second person, therefore the "You" which is made explicitly clear pretty much at the start.  This is a rather unusual way of telling the story but it works very good and very soon it didn't feel unnatural to me anymore. I don't want to reveal all too much from the story here as it would take away some surprizing moments, so no spoilers here.


    And as I already mentionend in the comic book tip thread, I actually reached the 1k subscribers milestone for Taiduo on webtoons so its most certainly is time to:

    800 x 1200 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Very nice seeing all the work you've been up to.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Congrads on the front page of that magazine!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Love the portrait of the lady with the dreads!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    It's been quite some time since I posted something here, so today I got a standalone from a scene of my comic which I loved for the weird light.

    I know its a bit dark but that's how it should be in this case

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Dark is good when the situation calls for it. Makes you look for details more :)

  • Maybe put a little extra light for the character in the scene.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Well I think it turned out amazing!!!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    mori_mann said:

    Dark is good when the situation calls for it. Makes you look for details more :)

    Thats tru but it works better when the environment is darker as well

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