Iray Smart Converter And Advanced Managers for Genesis 2 (Commercial)

Convert, customize and optimize in the blink of an eye any Genesis 2 figure for great Iray renders with this all in one smart converter and skin management tools.
Efficient, organized, simple, easy to use!
Iray Smart Converter require Daz Studio or any version above
DS 4.9 USERS :
Everything was conceived to achieve great skin renders and make your workflow more simple, more fluent and more comfortable. Simply select Genesis 2 and open the converter which applies optimized Iray settings for the type of skin you work on. The conversion script opens a window allowing you to choose between settings for Caucasian or African skin types, and will propose you three presets, depending on the way you want to handle the gloss. An automatic detection of Daz Studio version will adapt the settings to take into account the recent scattering update of the Iray render engine when necessary.
After the Iray converters for Genesis and Generation 4, a lot of you have asked me to be create the same tools for Genesis 2 and Genesis 3. I began with Genesis 2, but not only I developed the same tools (adapted to Genesis 2), but I also incredibly enhanced the user experience by adding a much more clever converter, and also graphic user interfaced skin optimisation tools (well... pop windows), which are available as a complement of the all the sub-presets for skins you already know if you are using my previous converters. One new thing has also been added is the ability to transfer the skin settings of a figure to geograft parts (and other non geograft elements).
So what will be in :
- the Smart converter (definition of Caucasian or African skins, 3 ways to handle gloss maps, automatic detection of DS version for scattering adjustment for 4.7 or 4.9).
- the Smart Presets for Base Color, Gloss Initialisation, Gloss Optimization, Translucency (Types, Colors, Strengths). Included are smart proportional presets for gloss which will increase and deacrese global gloss or key settings of them proportionally to their current values.
- the Managers (pop up windows for practical skin groups preselection selections and direct access to key parameters).
- the geograft transfer.
Once the new Iray material is applied on your figure, well, you are ready to render. But the most perfectionist amongst you, or people who love playing with skins will enjoy the associated optimization and customization tools. Organized folders by folders, sorted in order to have the most logical or efficient workflow, the optimization tools will allow you to adjust step by step all the key properties of skin rendering.
These optimization tools are provided in two formats in order to adapt both to beginners and advanced or professional users. For each key properties of skin rendering, you will find either smart presets - for beginners - and a friendly user interface gathering in a few buttons and dials all you need for the aspect of skin you want to customize. As user interfaces you will find :
- Base color Manager
- Gloss Initializer
- Gloss Manager
- Translucency Manager
- Bump Manager
- Geograft Transfer Tools
These advanced managers open an interface providing an immediate control over the group of surfaces you want to customize. You can choose via four radio buttons at the top of the interface to work separately and/or successively on full skin, lips and nails, or to exclude nails, or to work only on lips or only on nails. Each advanced interface provides to you the required dials for the given aspect you want to adjust on skin (base color, glossy look, translucency, bump...) with a real time preview of your changes using Iray preview mode. You can adjust properties settings on any surface group you want as many times as you want until you reach the effect you expected.
No more repetitive surface selection! No more long browsing of surface properties by properties to find the ones you need! Just select the figure, launch the script, and all the job is done for you.
As a bonus, a transfer tool manager is included in order to be able to copy the skin settings of a figure to any geograft figure in the scene, including but not limited to "Reptilian 6", "Minotaur 6", "Genitalia", "Creature Creator" elements.
With Iray Smart Converter And Advanced Skin Managers For Genesis 2, you have two possibilities in one. You can simply apply the Iray converter to a figure and render, or you can use only the skin management tools to optimize and customize any of your existing figure whose skin is already based on any Iray Uber PBR Metallicity Roughness shader. And of course you can do both!
Whether you want to improve your Iray renders of Genesis 2 figures, or if you simply want to make the skin customization workflow pleasant and efficient, I hope you will find your solution here!
I should rapidely have the video to see the instrument playing "live".
Images of figures in various lighting conditions with various skin tones (you can click the bottom thumbs for full size) :
Overview of the tools (the one interfaced, the other tools are classical smart presets), and of the main converter.
Detailed Base Color Manager (coming in the Base Color Folder with 5 Base Color presets), and Gloss Initialization Manager (to compensate the variation of Gray levels of the maps you use regarding the "average of maps", and/or to set up a different gloss base as the one proposed - coming in a folder with a lot of gloss initialization).
Hmm, this looks cool; looks like an early xmas present.
Hmmm.... Have you been reeeaaally wise this year?
I'm not sure it will be released before christmass, the product is under test, but if they find no errors (there is a lot to test) it might go fast.
Thanks for comment!
Going on with interfaced tools :
Advanced Gloss Manager (coming in a folder with 12 proportional scripts) and translucency manager (coming with 5/6 full scatter, 4 translucency color, or 4 strength scripts).
After six months I still have trouble wrapping my head around all the different materials settings, so this looks just like the kind of tool that would make things easier for me. I'm not really using G2 though, so I'll be eagerly awaiting the G3 version. Any ETA on that btw?
And the two last, coming alone in their folders, the Bump (base, top coat, normal) Manager and the "Skin tranfer tool", in order to copy skin properties to Genitalia, Creature Creator, Reptilians and Minotaurs, and much more!
What he asked
It should be the next product.
The modification of the managers themselves for G3 should not take "that long" to re-script.
What will be longer will be how the set up the initial presets and the options for them. I saw G3 Daz original figures all use specific translucency maps, and the decision to keep them or not, or to create an option for it (keep it or use base color instead), will depend not only on all the skin tests I will make for Daz original but also on the tests I will make on figures by other PA. I must adapt to PA G3 skins, and to DAZ G3 skins, and to get the best but most flexible result out of all that.
There is also the gloss maps management in Genesis 3. If I remember well they have been moved from the Gloss/Top Coat color to the Gloss Top Coat Weight. I'll keep a "gloss unmapped" preset in the proposed presets but for the mapped ones. I have to test which option is the best. For now I feel comfortable with using them in colors but maybe some changes have been made in G3 making the weight slots more interesting.
Well it is my next project, and I'll see what will presents the best results and will be the more practical to use for every level of users!
This looks very impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
instead of messing about with getting good skin results I might just get this and your Gen 4 and Gensis bundle.
Impressive. Good fortune with it. I'm sure I won't have to deliberate long over it
Nice, a couple of those promo images really caught my eye with how the skin turned out.
Plus I am so happy this is for G2!
One quick question, if I have transfered a V4 texture to G2, will this work?
Thanks a lot!
Well Szark, I won't prevent you to buy them :)
I tried to make them all accessible both for beginners and for advanced users like you. The converter will give you optimal average skin settings obtained with plenty of figures and lights sets, and the tools will considerably fasten the skin customization, (well in my opinion even much faster for G2 thanks to the additional managers giving more flexibility). Going fast on properties change without to be forced to select surface and to browse to the parameters you need to tweak allows to go more efficiently to the type of skin you want.
Thanks, good to know ;) Many people asked for the same tools as the Genesis version for Genesis 2, and it took me so long to produce this one that I hope that they don't have all jumped to Genesis 3 in the meantime!!!
yes last image of this one :
The one with the woman with the bow. This is a v4 texture, which was saved as a material, then applied on Genesis 2. After V4 to G2 application (the classical way), I applied my converter, then used the gloss weight initialiser since the gloss maps if I remember well were more clear than the average of G2 gloss maps. Well in brief you can, the thing is that in general since you have much more clear specular maps, you will have to "initialize the gloss weight" to lower values.
LOL I bet you won't.
I made a point of not buying much for over two years now but this got my attention becasue of the script based settings and your promos. I could see straight away that you made it for both begineers and as you say advanded users. I do like to set my own mats up but I have got to the point of not wanting to spend more time adjusting mats but more time making images. Also I like that is doesn't restrict me from adding my own tweaks on top.
If it arrives in January, then obviously very early. :)
In general between the end of the tests and the release date there is less than one month. Well this is "in general", some exceptions can occur, sometimes shorter delays, sometimes longer, and the converters and tools are "presently under test". I have a good hope for January anyway.
Then I'm definitely looking forward to this all the more.
I never made the jump to G3, so this is kind of the last missing piece I need for G2 to do all that I need.
Sounds like a must have.
See you soon indeed.
Oooh that'd be nice.
Do the converted surfaces use Iray Uber Base shader or are there custom shaders?
Well thanks! I hope your collection will be complete soon.
The products ran through tests without any mistakes detected. I've never been that close to the release (it's been a long project for me, I'm happy to see it is not endless!)
Yes. Yesterday I made some videos to show what was in it. I'm gonna try to post them. I have the very short one (6 minutes) for people in a hurry, I'm gonna try to updload the long version too where there is necessarily more info.
It uses the Iray Uber base. Creating my own MDL for skin is a long term project I'm working regurarly on, but for this one I just optimised things with the existing "Iray Ubers" (both the one of 4.7 and the one of 4.9).
I've finished the "shortest video presentation" I could make on the subject. My goal was 5 minutes... It's 6 finally (well first video was 21 minutes, second video was 10 minutes, third was 6 but it was my min). I post here the "6 minutes one". Necessarly, not everything is shown, and I go very fast on different elements, but it gives a nice overview of the way to tweak a skin once it is converted, which, I think is what most of you will use the most. (even if figures can be rendered without that, but is seems a lot of people like "tuning").
I'll also post a link to one at least of the longer - much detailed - videos. It is better to watch it full HD
Hi, just back here to mention that as I told, sometimes the release occurs faster than other times. This time, it seems things are going very fast. So ... Get ready, it should not be long now!
Just 1/2 advices :
Any Version :
A render engine (Iray) update will occur with DS 4.9. For everybody, I want to remind here that a same figure, in a same scene, will not render the same way under 4.8 or 4.9. This is not a matter of material but of render engine update.
For the ones already using Daz Studio 4.9 with the beta build, ( 4.9), you will immediately benefit fully the update of Iray render engine regarding scattering, and the skins settings using the converter of my product will be automatically adjusted for this version and all versions above. When the official Daz Studio version will become 4.9, it will not change anything for you.
For the ones who don't use the beta build, you will anyway need the lastest update of Daz Studio 4.8 to have this product working. ( For you too, the skin settings will be adjusted for your current version of Daz Studio. But remember that as soon as Daz Studio 4.9 will one day become the official release of Daz Studio, which will necessarily happen, the render results will change. The great news is that using the converter once again on Daz Studio 4.9, you will be able to re-convert your skins taking this change into account: if you reapply the main converter, the update will be taken into account, and the skins settings will be set at the one optimal for Daz Studio 4.9. In my humble opinion, the new way of computing scattering phenomenons in the new Iray update - with DS 4.9 - produces much better results.
In brief, you can use the product both for 4.8 and 4.9, the interface files are the same, but what the script are doing will adjust the best the skin to your version of Daz Studio.
Various ways to use :
In all cases you can use this product different ways :
- Select the figure / Apply the Iray converter / render.
- Or Select the figure / Apply the Iray converter / Customize with Managers and Presets / render,
- Or Select the figure, and if it is already based on Iray PBR/Metallicity model, simply customize with Managers and Presets and render. (well this is the stand alone usage of Skin Management tools).
Come Here !
Feel free to come here for any question, feedback, render sharing, etc, etc. I normally come here everyday, several times per day!
Wow, that was much faster than I expected.
I am now happy to call this my own, and also the last purchase of 2015.
Happy Holidays all!
I missed this thread.
But the optioins look amazing.
If we continue to use 4.8, will it continue to work correctly?
Well it was also very much faster than I expected too! Thanks for purchasing it! And also happy holidays to everybody here!
Yes. It is configured to provide both 4.8 and 4.9 compatibility. You can use 4.8 as long as you want, even when 4.9 will officially be here, it will work. It simply detects the version of Daz Studio and adjust the conversion, and adjust the scattering settings for your version. For the user, what is happening behind the script is not visible, but things are always adapted for the currrent version you work with.
Then, if one day you decide to go to 4.9, you can use the skins you already have made with 4.8, they will just look different than in 4.8 due to Iray update, and they won't be optimal (but "fine in my opinion"). But you also can re-use the converter on them, and then they will be adjusted for 4.9 if you are using 4.9. But no issue if you stay on 4.8, it will work with settings for 4.8. On my side I will install the release 4.9 as soon as possible, since I spend all my days on Daz Studio, and the workflow improvement for me using the new way smart content behaves is important, but I can understand people want to keep the version they prefer.
I hope I answered your question.
I have be offline 2 or 3 hours, I'll open this thread as soon as I come back home!