Please ignore this thread



  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited November 2023

    NylonGirl said:

    Yes, that... must be what happened... except I am pretty sure "Iffy Woman" was not originlally recorded by the Eagles. In fact, it was written by a lesser known band called the Devil Turkeys. They never got the credit they deserved but I do recall their drummer holding a rather ominous looking egg and saying "one day the whole world will pay for what they did... one day..." 

    While he was doing that, I stole his chicken nugget sauce and sold it to a corporate food giant in exchange for a cozy job and all the Happy Meal toys I desired. I had the only copy of the original recipe, as well as the only copy of the recipe for Tyrian Purple. Things were going great until I revealed through my newsletter that my employer had replaced its cheese with industrial building material and secretly replaced its Folgers Crystals with the same building material. If nobody noticed then the next step was to replace every other product with the same building material... and make the building out of it.

    Wearing nothing but a hat with a big M on it, I ran for my life with a bag full of Lego, Stompers, and boat shaped Happy Meal containers as I was chased by the happiest looking clown ever, a guy with a hamburger for a face, and a big cone shaped Tyrian Purple thing with eyes.

    I eventually made it to the future, which is the only place they didn't look for me since they had already looked there in the past. By now all of their products were made of this weird material except the beef patties which they just made smaller and smaller at a pace so gradual that nobody realized it. I made the critical mistake of suggesting to an old lady that she ask them where the beef is. My reign of carnage continued as I arrived even further in the future in the DAZ universe where, allegedly, I maliciously changed the name of a thread multiple times, causing people's bookmarks to no longer work and making it impossible to find evidence of the crime in the Internet Archive because nobody knew the gosh darn web address since it kept changing. It was such a brilliant plan I wished I had done it on purpose. My only hope was to return back to my former employer at a time before there was any fancy nugget sauce and just act like nothing ever happened.

    That seemed to work fine until a familar face showed up with his now hatched egg. I couldn't run because you get in big trouble if you abandon your register before break time. But it turned out the drummer wasn't angry anymore. He was quite pleased because several of his band's earlier work was released as MP3. And even though nobody cared about the songs, they sold millions of copies because they were included as a bonus on the Disco Chives album and people had to buy the whole album to get the one song they really wanted.

    I'm sorry.

    No worries, at least you aren't the one who is responsible for humanity descending from primates instead of platypuses like the original timeline intended... sorry about that... well, I suppose it's okay if you don't like being semi aquatic, having a bill, being venomous and laying eggs... but there are probably lots of people who if they knew, would be pretty pissed off they can't lay eggs and sting predators with their venomous heel spurs anymore.

    And now that that detail is out there... sorry about that...

    There is a lot to be said for primateness though... 

    But anyway... more importantly, thanks for the explanation... it explains lots of the overlaps and discord in the post synchronicity algorithms and why the parallax curve rectifier keeps rejecting certain coordinates... now I can finally adjust it and get that Szechuan sauce before McDonalds stops offering it... technically I could also fix the platypus thing, but you are only allowed three major resets per oblation cycle and I'm not blowing that on being able to lay eggs... I'm buying a ton of that stuff and selling it a few months ago when McDonald's does that Rick & Morty promotional tie-in, except this time, I'll actually have the sauce to sell, which will avoid the the riots and downfall of civilization that the McDonald's shortage created and because of that we'll have time to work out a viable asteroid mitigation program and avoid the impact with Object # 8675309 Jennee, which would waste another 52 million years while life on earth resets another dominant sentient lifeform to evolve to a point where it can leave the planet and spread earth based life to other worlds, like this planet keeps trying to do, except previous stupid dominant sentient lifeforms like the mega-trilobites and the intellectisaurs just took their sweet time sh*t-posting on social media and playing video games and arguing about team Mogrnk or team Edward, instead of getting their crap together and blowing up planet killer asteroids... 

    So not only did you save primate based sentient space travel, you avoided an intergalactic war by ensuring that earth life actually gets out there, screws up so many other evolving civilizations with the introduction of our stupid propensity for creating distractions, that billions of lives are saved throughout the galaxy thanks to stupid human influence that the Cricket based space explorers never would have, because they never explored space and actually blew the planet accidentally, resetting everything too far back that the sun blew up waiting for tge crabs to get their crap together.

    And I made a couple of hundred bucks in the process selling the Szechuan sauce.

    See, I told you... well one of you... not sure if was giraffe-you or you-you, but it was a you and I'm pretty sure they were wearing a hat with a big "M", but I said that you'd work this out... and you did... and i didn't say that entirely for the cash... probably, but I'm not that altruistic, so there probably was an ulterior motive in there somewhere... I kinda suck in that manner... sometimes you are like "$3k...?... huh... yeah, who cares about laying eggs..." and you do something that profits you, not marsupials... well, I do... you did the right thing, and I salute you for that... and if you are a giraffe-you, I also did it to win a bet and you owe me $5k... you giraffes are such suckers for wagering, I works every single time.

    Well thanks and good work!

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Was there by chance a squeaking sound coming from this asteroid?

  • Do not think of a pink elephant.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    NylonGirl said:

    Was there by chance a squeaking sound coming from this asteroid?


    Which asteroid? This asteroid or that one over there?

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    Do not think of a pink elephant.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 2023

    this makes me uneasy

    (it's a YouTube video BTW you need to click it)

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • hjake said:

    Please disregard. ...[snip]...

     How are we expected to ignore this thread  if it keeps showing up at the top of the commons,  taunting us???

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    Do not think of a pink elephant.

    wasn't there a render of Floyd 8 mixed with the color pink?  I am trying not to think of the pink elephant by thinking of pink Floyd. 

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    I think it was a pink cat mixed with Syd Barrett.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    please ignore me while I decide not to look for the glasses I want to wear.  Right now not wearing any glasses.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I think I just saw a mouse trying to enter my room!

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Are you certain it's not a vole?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    NylonGirl said:

    Are you certain it's not a vole?

    only if a vile is a rodent that sneaks around people's houses.  Especially ones without meows!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited January 2024

    I need a good model of a meow preferably rigged for DS!  Preferably one I already have or something 

    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    Sfariah D said:

    I think I just saw a mouse trying to enter my room!

    Call these guys... they got rid of most of the stabby gnomes living under the sofa...

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Sfariah D said:

    NylonGirl said:

    Are you certain it's not a vole?

    only if a vile is a rodent that sneaks around people's houses.  Especially ones without meows!

    So this confirms it's a vole and it's from outer space. And it has no idea how to get out of the house because it certainly can't go back the way it came in. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    I like to make my drinks pretty

    Oh stupid iPad rotation 

    3264 x 2448 - 1M
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I found a way to install Ubuntu onto my desktop.  Now trying to figure out how to install Chrome instead of working on my room.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I like to make my drinks pretty

    Oh stupid iPad rotation 

    Wait... isn't Australia on the bottom of the planet and everything is upside down not sideways?... I'm feeling like cartoons have lied to me.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    McGyver said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I like to make my drinks pretty

    Oh stupid iPad rotation 

    Wait... isn't Australia on the bottom of the planet and everything is upside down not sideways?... I'm feeling like cartoons have lied to me.

    Don't worry, the cartoons are correct.  iPad rotation is in the opposite direction south of the equator. 

  • solissolis Posts: 124

    Will I dream?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    solis said:

    Will I dream?

    You already are.  You didn't think this was reality, did you? 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    McGyver said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I like to make my drinks pretty

    Oh stupid iPad rotation 

    Wait... isn't Australia on the bottom of the planet and everything is upside down not sideways?... I'm feeling like cartoons have lied to me.

    ...if you were along the equator that would be the correct orientation.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    solis said:

    Will I dream?

    Thats very Nexus-6 Androidish of you... Yes, I believe you will dream... but only of electric sheep... well, according to Philip K. Dick and the stupid electric sheep who think everything revolves around them... very narcissistic of those electric wool factories.

  • solissolis Posts: 124
    edited January 2024

    McGyver said:

    Thats very Nexus-6 Androidish of you... Yes, I believe you will dream... but only of electric sheep... well, according to Philip K. Dick and the stupid electric sheep who think everything revolves around them... very narcissistic of those electric wool factories.


     Having lived for a fair time in Aotearoa ("kia ora" Northlanders!), I'm astounded by your clairvoyance! At a ratio of 5 sheep per 1 human its no wonder that a somnolent pasture of grazers will effectively overwhelm the unconscious mind.

    Allied with the advent of 'Agrisolar' (or  ‘Agrophotovoltaics’), any sheep now possesses a direct connection to The Power!


    As an aside, here in OZ the ratio is only a piddly 3.3 to 1. Barley enough to philip the senses, let alone crossover.

    Narcissistic? You are being very cautious. I understand. If word of this post ever gets back to The Pastures, then we are done for: The repercussions of fevered sheep-dreams spilling into reality are too dire to contemplate. Will they? Will you? What becomes after? Who Am I really/dreamily?

    Ach! Ewesless to ponder.


    As a further aside,  those Nexus upstarts - especially the batty ones, those prissy usurpers - can only dream of the utter pinnacle of perfection that was # IBM 9001.

    Post edited by solis on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    Photovoltaic Ovines! That's the missing piece of the puzzle!
    Now if I could only find the rest of the other 999 pieces, I could finally solve the mystery of who's behind the chinchillas who hired the squirrel assassins who tried to blow up my tractor... I suspected it was some sort of ruminant Bovidae, maybe that cow I bit (I wanted to try really, really rare steak) or Karl (he's a goat)... but Sheep... particularly photovoltaic ones makes more sense than Karl... or a cow... Sheep... man's most feared adversary since the dawn of time... actually about ten after, but close enough... and the electronicness of these ovines in conjunction with the 5G oatmeal I've been eating would make me susceptible to their hallucinatory suggestions, thus explaining my recent desire to eat hay!... There is more to this I suspect... but the game is a hoof... I mean afoot... Hmmm... Baaaah! 

  • solissolis Posts: 124
    edited January 2024

    On a more personal aside, Thank You McGyver.

    Thank you for your enriching dialogues, your poetic hoodoo, your innate ability to transform and parse - oftentimes, with mesmeric wonder - the 'everday' into astonishingly eloquent feats of prose and hilarity.

    Truly, your monkeyshines!

    Further...the world needs THIS! The world needs you to remind us of our utter follies: To learn to laugh at our preposterous seriousness.

    The Bard/Jester enjoys a somewhat inviolable connection with Royalty. Safeguarded by the Prescence, they are free to express and poke and ridicule.

    And instruct.  

    Douglas Adams, George Carlin, et al. - the Great Ones - are sadly missed for this very reason. How fortuitous for us that you exist here and now, transmitting the Great Works up and out.

    You cast a long shadow!

    Post edited by solis on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited January 2024

    solis said:

    On a more personal aside, Thank You McGyver.

    Thank you for your enriching dialogues, your poetic hoodoo, your innate ability to transform and parse - oftentimes, with mesmeric wonder - the 'everday' into astonishingly eloquent feats of prose and hilarity.

    Truly, your monkeyshines!

    Further...the world needs THIS! The world needs you to remind us of our utter follies: To learn to laugh at our preposterous seriousness.

    The Bard/Jester enjoys a somewhat inviolable connection with Royalty. Safeguarded by the Prescence, they are free to express and poke and ridicule.

    And instruct.  

    Douglas Adams, George Carlin, et al. - the Great Ones - are sadly missed for this very reason. How fortuitous for us that you exist here and now, transmitting the Great Works up and out.

    You cast a long shadow!

    Thank you... thats very humbling... usually the only way I get compared to Carlin or Adams is because people think I'm dead too... in their defense I do tend to lay on the ground a lot with flies buzzing about around me... it's a defensive strategy I developed to outwit large predators and bill collectors... I've been told that the odor is quite convincing too... and befriending buzzards is a finishing touch detail that really completes the picture... most people don't know that vultures are quite intelligent and love cuddles and scritchy-scratches behind the ears... well, the spot that looks like there should be ears, but since they are so dinosaurish looking there aren't any (they do have ears, just not like cute bunny ears) which is probably for the better, because if they were too cuddly looking everyone would want to snuggle them and once one gets past the foul vulture smell, they'd discover I was just playing dead and the vultures were really my cohorts and then the whole charade would fall apart...

    I think the long shadow thing is because l mostly tend to go out near sunset... it's the best time to go drinking with the raccoons... if you go too late, Fat Vinny will have drunk all the beer... too early and they expect you to provide the libations... which I think means "booze"...

    Most of the raccoons around here tend to sound like retired mobsters (like Fat Vinny) or unemployed Shakespearean actors... mostly the last one.
    For some reason most of the mobster raccoons seem to have moved to Florida...  Fat Vinny and Joey The Mooch are the only ones who really stayed behind... granted, it's a lot classier to drink with raccoons that say words like "libations" and "whence" or "parlous"... can get pretentious when you ask "Hey, how's it goin'?" And they are like "That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold, what hath quenched them hath given me fire... blah, blah, blah, gives the stern’st good-night, blah, blah, blah drugged their possums..." ... whatever... it's like dial it back Sir Ian Holm... everything is a soliloquy or a sonnet... you start to miss the old mobster raccoons and the death threats... 

    But anyway, thank you again... it's nice to know that my laying on the ground surrounded by smelly (but cuddly) vultures is not in vain and the relaying of of such incidents and escapades brings joy or at least temporary distraction to others... definitely the distraction part is especially good when the authorities are looking for me... playing dead is a great strategy for avoiding consequences...

    Well, up until someone tries to bury you... that sucks... you'd be surprised how even a shallow grave is hard to get out of, especially if the ground is a little frozen.

    If I've helped but one obnoxious individual escape the consequences of a prank or "misunderstanding" gone awry, then my job here is done and I can rest beneath that thin layer of soil and leaves, knowing I've made the world a less consequential place.

    But not for too long... you'd be surprised how many earthworms crawl into your pants (if you were wearing pants at the time) if you stay buried for more than an hour or two.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • solissolis Posts: 124
    edited January 2024

    John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum

    Ext. Desert. Day.

    John: Consequences 

    Sofia: Consequences.....


    I oppose, with great vehemence, the foundation of an idiocracy!

    Post edited by solis on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Dinosaurs wake up like, "we have survived the asteroid... Now nothing will save the humans from our hard Lego backs. Moohooohahahahaha mooshuporkhahahahahhaha..."

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