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...the case I bought has a huge exhaust fan on that side panel right by the GPU. Before I put panel on and connected the fan (early days when I still had to tweak stuff inside), dust contamination became a major issue. It is also a full tower so there is plenty of "breathing space" between all the components inside.
I also have a fairly hefty aftermarket CPU cooler as well.
:: facepalm ::
I meant 6GB. :P
Haha, no problem. I'm probably going to buy a 980ti early next year and when you said that I thought "WHOA...better find out about that first". :)
Another interesting thing is that some of the components used in that build have fairly lackluster reviews on Amazon. Tons of people seem to have problems with that motherboard, and the RAM isn't rated as highly as other comparable DDR4 RAM. I'm still not sure what X99 motherboard to choose now. I do know that I'm not going to worry about whether all the crap inside my system is color-coordinated though, haha. It's what comes out of it that needs to be artistic. ;)
...yeah to many my case may look boring and bland without windows, lights, and "Decepticon Sculpting", but I agree, it's what the stuff inside can do is what really counts.
Sadly, for my next build I cannot find anything similar. Even the so called "Pro" cases today have side windows & "accent" lights (again I'd rather just have a big o'l exhaust fan on the left panel as that's where the GPUs would be). The only lights important to me are the ones which tell me it's on, that I'm getting signal from the Net, and whether the hard drive is doing something.
Wow...well if you need 12 GB, then you need 12 GB, right? Pascal will be awesome for you then. I'm really curious about their prices, and what we will see happen to Titan X and 980 ti prices after their release.
Are you using octane? The texture resource management tool is really helpful for conserving resources. Iray doesn't have an equivalent as far as I know.
Give this some thought:
Never used a Gigabyte board myself, but I trust Tweaktown (although the ads are starting to make their site unreadable), but this board is great value for home rendering station. You can fit 4 dual slot graphics cards, and their is still room 64GB ram if necessary, I'd go 5820k on that board since the PCIe lanes don't restrict rendering power, and then save up for the refresh line of cpus to come out next year (late 1st quarter I think). The 5930K is probably the better option if you're not planning on upgrading the CPU after the refresh line comes, since it's got a higher clock speed.
I've used quite a few Gigabyte boards and I like them...a lot.
I have a NXST Phantom case to hold me monsters with 2 - 7 inch chimney fans and 4 - 4 inch side panal fans 2 on each side/ holding 2 EVGA 98O ti.
But i only have a Asus x81 motherboard for my Intel Core i7-4960X Extreme Edition Ivy Bridge E Processor Chip 3.333 GHz. I would love to have 64 gigs of Sddrm Ram. right now I only have 24 gigs maybes some day when I can afford it I'm get better memory upgrade . I had tec-boys at Best-buy come in and add a Manual over ride for my SLi sockets so I can turn off SLI on my graphic cards without having to remove the socket bridge. this way I can easily move from rendering in Daz and Maya , to playing VR video games. with evga 3d vision gear.
I had this system built at with WIN 7 Pro 3 years ago But i just had recently upgraded my graphic cards 6 months back or so , and the sli mods I did a few weeks ago. made a big difference.
Everything is powered by a 1100 watt EVGA Power supply, and a APC 6 hour UPS for power back-up for uninterrupted power during a brown out or power failures during rendering . viewing on a 24 inch Samsung Scarlett LCD monitor I got another monitor coming for Christmas so I'll have 2 soon. , this is what my system looks like on my messy
...No, as it's another 400$ for both the licence and Daz Plugin (the latter which is still classified as a "beta") plus the learning curve for a new plugin that has to translate Daz shaders to it's own shader language is what pretty much puts me off from it.
True the ability to render outside the Daz application is nice, and yes Octane has an actual working Hybrid GPU/CPU mode (which Lux development abandoned). However, I like the fact that Iray just seems more intuitive as it is integrated in the Daz programme and I don't have tot keep swapping back and forth between different UIs.
I jumped in on the ground floor with Iray when Daz first introduced it and have learned quite a bit since then. I actually find it easier to work with than Scripted 3DL and working with RSL. Hoping that further development, will spawn more accurate skin and hair shaders as well as grass (the latter available for other software like 3DS Max).
...similar configuration to my case save for the internal lighting.
I hear ya. I suppose I should have been more clear in my assessment of 6gb vram - it's plenty for octane. Octane for DS has a little drop down menu thingee for each texture that lets you tweak the resource management per file. You can make a texture take only 1/4 the resources, for example, which is helpful if you're rendering at 720p and don't need the 4k textures most models have nowadays.
For what it's worth, the mess that was the Daz studio plugin has been resolved and the plugin is running on the Octane 3.0 API. Yeah, it's still in beta, but it's very stable and smooth.
Anyway, yeah - Pascal is gonna be sweet.
I may look into buying the latest DS octane for my personal Christmas present tomorrow, I never upgraded from 1.2 after getting OR4Carrara, sadly the Australian dollar is still crap but its a better buy than M7 pro which I also skipped and may lead to me using Genesis 3 more too.
......and it will use my 980ti unlike 1.2 so I can rip my 780 out my case cooling things down a tad for summer.
My understanding, VERY limited as it is, is that is not true. In fact, if you have adequate fans, keeping your case closed is better for it because it lets the air be channeled through past the heat-generators and out. The fans are more efficient because they only have to move the air through the channels of the case, not all the air in the room, essentially.
So it's entirely possible that (if you have a good fan setup) closing your case would result in better temperature management.
Or so I've been led to believe... :)
-- Morgan
Thank you JC for that motherboard recommendation, I've bookmarked it and will read about it in detail when I'm closer to making a purchase. I've always used EVGA boards, but I know Gigabyte makes good equipment too.
I must have a bad set up then as it makes quite a difference monitoring on GPU-Z case open or closed, was even suggested by shop that built it for me
I have no fancy liquid cooling and closed I found it sucks in more dust too, I can blow it out easy open too
Keeping the case closed is better for temps almost always. It helps the air go where it's supposed to.
If I may (and not to take the thread too far off topic), your setup could be improved. Presumably the Swiftech cooler is up front because the drive bays (or the RAM) are in the way of installing at the top, which is where it really should go. Going from the picture, it looks like you've just got fans on top, right? If you have a lot of dust, then they're probably intake fans, which isn't usually the best for the top. Plus the radiator is really restricting airflow from your main source of cool air (the front). And if the fans on the radiator are exhausting out the front, then...yikes.
If possible, I'd recommend putting the Swiftech up top, exhausting. Put two intake fans up front, and an exhaust fan in the back.
If you're not confident in making those changes yourself, I'd think twice about taking it back to the original shop that built it.
I don't mean to knock your system, by the way. Two 980 tis is sweet! Just hopefully helping you get as much out of them as you can.
No problem.
EVGA for life! Their customer service is just too good.
Seriously though, the only way to quad gpus in an EVGA board is with the Classified, and it doesn't really offer anything more than the UDP3. I have the Z97 classified, but I picked it up super cheap post-X99. Anyway, I hope whatever you choose works out for you.
Nah I only have one 980ti and a 760 I shall soon be losing now I upgraded my DS Octane render plugin
it will cool stuff down considerably without it, I am in Adelaide experiencing 40°C+ heatwaves
I am going to get another PC built with all my extra bits
left from all my upgrades last 2 years for using with my music apps and keyboards, I have as well as that card an i5 mobo and a harddrive so just need a box, bits to connect it all and a powersupply maybe windows 10 even but most my music apps have linux versions so could go that route too.
I just dropped my card temp rendering from 75°C to 63°C doing this
Meh ipad pics post sideways
Who is this utterly gorgeous artist??
Rick Malambri is the name of the lucky recipient of that rig if thats whom you mean
Well this is embarassing...looks like I confused your posts and Ivy's, sorry?
imagine the iray rendering with these, sigh
You want some awesome rendering rigs, look no further than these babies...
I want one. The trouble is: Where will I be able to put it after I sell my house to pay for it?
What is the alternative for IRay with more than 12GB useable for Iray?
pity Deadmau5 does not use DAZ
its just getting raunchier
Nvidia's Volta GV100 GPU Is Ridunkulous
Gizmodo Australia - 7 h ago
Announced at GTC 2017, the Tesla V100 is an enterprise-level processor powered by the Volta GV100 GPU: the first chip in the world built with a 12nm FFN process.
For those looking to get a 980TI, I highly, highly recommend the Zotac 980TI AMP Extreme (ZT-90505-10P). I have two of them and they are the best 908TI's out of the box. Rendering in Iray, they stay running at the boost speed of 1400Mhz from start to finish.
The only real down side to it is its size. If your case does not have room then its not going to fit period. I have a Cooler Master Haf-X and it fits two just fine. The card takes up 3 slots each. I have played Rise of the Tomb Raider at 1920x1080 at 60 FPS - DX12 without a drop in frame rate on just one card and with SLI enabled. I see no difference. And that is with the onboard audio for my ASUS Z170 Deluxe
do these cards have hdmi imput too?
wanting to record my xbox playthrough of games. i don't understand how?
i see how to screencapture video on my desktop, but my xbox plugs directly to tv hdmi.
it has to connect to recording pc somehow?