Carraracafe down? *ONLINE NOW*

Is Carraracafe down for everyone?
A few weeks ago the Downloads looked like they were hackad again, but the site worked.
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Something wrong there, says internal error.
Sorry getting Internal Server Error too
Same here.
+ 1
My apologies for being late on the matter. Was traveling and not online much.
I will try contacting DAZ3D officials to see what happened, I hope they didn;t cancel Carrara Cafe, I can't even log in to hosting to see what went wrong and attempt to load back up.
Update: I fear original Carrara staff might be no more, all contacts I knew returns e-mail does not exist error. I submitted a support ticket via Daz3D website.
If anyone know someone from Daz3D, DM me. My connections I've had are lost.
I have a feeling they just don't care.
I will admit to using DAZ studio a lot lately simply because it's just easier for content from DAZ.
Carrara still remains my go to for creating my own content but can see the lack of profit in that for DAZ3D which I believe is largely the reasoning as they have no way of correlating purchases from their shop with people who use Carrara, if they did they would realise a lot of Carrara users are good customers too.
I'm not sure if Carrara is using parts of TGS Amira API (very old stuff), then, to open source it will be out of the question, especially if nobody turns the radio back on and listens and answers questions
(Example: RadishWorks Cosmos Creator > Righthemisphere DeepCreator > Esperient Corp. Esperient Creator - the proprietary closed source makes Creator a delisted software, whoever owns it can install as many times due to its local activation. RightHemisphere bought parts of the API and is still in use with Deep Exploration - now part of the SAP fat man junk eaters. without them the world would suck less)
Autodesk, anyone? 123D ? hahaha
If Carrara staff turned the lights out in their office, I'm affraid it won't be as easy as with Caligari trueSpace (another delisted software Caligari > Microsoft > Killswitch … lights off > Forum continues to my knowledge)
last to wrap this up Pandromeda MojoWorld - he quit because of family issues and had to look after a family member. at least he told me so on the phone years ago when I asked him to sell me a copy he said I could find any on the web and how I unlock it wouldn't bother him
Let's hope the Carrara comunity continues as the app is very capable. With lot of luck we get access to portions of the code to improve aspects of the program without the need of core TGS features ( ? )
my concern is to keep Carrara Cafe alive, even if not as active, there is a lot of valuable information and content about Carrara.
I was even considering redoing it from wordpress based site to something less problematic to maintain.
But the fact that I couldn't log in to web hosting account and see what is going on and troubleshoot worries me a lot.
I hope Daz3D didn't cancel it without notice. Waiting for their reply, I've submitted a support ticket. But I don't expect immediate response. It is sad that so many original staff members seems to be no longer working, all contacts I have seems to be no longer accessible. People I used to work on Carrara Cafe from Daz3D were so awesome and nice. They would respond even on their time off.
Fingers crossed !!!
I noticed some changes in the registration of the domain. A few weeks ago it said that would expire on 2024-03-17 and now it says on 2025-03-17. So someone has renewed it for the duration of one year.
But was already down several weeks before the 2024 expiration date due to a internal server error.
Contact @Richard Haseltine via pm. I think/hope can help point you to an email.
Make that Haseltine
Thanks for the info, @RuudL. I still can't access Carraracafe, so along with the site being down weeks before the registration expiration, it seems to remain up in the air. As Bunyip wrote, fingers crossed for hope.
There is also an other issue with the site. The certificate has expired.
The domain name entry for is still in the DNS (Domain Name Server) and will be untill it expires (it will actuatly be removed from the DNS after a grace period of 30 days) . So you can still point your browser to the server on which is hosted.
But in this case the hosting server has encounted an error (Error code: 500 Internal Server Error) that needs to be solved.
thank you! I contacted Richard, hopefully he will be able to help.
I am also looking through my e-mails to see what other contacts I may have, I know I used to communicate with CEO of DAZ3D back in the active Carrara days, but it was so long time ago... I am not sure I will be able to dig it out.
PS. is there any way to see and find staff memebers on these forums? And does the last active status shows real data?
there is a glimpse of hope! Found one of the staff members contact that is still active at DAZ3D and I've got a response!
I reported the situation and waiting for the reply.
Hopefully things will get resolved in some way.
Hi Danas, nice to find you still here (we chatted about your Carrara locomotive tutorials via email) and with such useful posts! Thank you.
(P.S. the link seems to be broken)
I am a rare bird here nowadays, pretty much just come here to see if miraculously there are any exciting news about Carrara.
But I've found a scary forum thread about Carrara Cafe being down... again...
Miss old good days when I actively participated in ventures of Carrara community.
Regarding my website, it is actually intentionally offline, one reason I am looking for a better hosting, other thing I am moving away from wordpress based website and am redoing my portfolio.
Which also makes me think that, if I get things sorted out with Carrara Cafe, most likely I may have to do a grand project to remake Carrara Cafe into other platform and go away from wordpress. Not only wordpress based sites are too attractive to hackers, but also maintenance of them are hazardous road to walk. You never know when which plug-in may cause critical error with an update. I just need to figure out how to make it so that other people, who are editors in Cafe, could easily do the updates and articles should they come across some exciting news and stories for Carrara Cafe.
Promising update. Thanks!
I hope they care, I've finally figured out who may help and hopefully things will get sorted out, or at least I would get some answer on to what happend and what will happen next. While Daz3D seems not active on anything Carrara, they seemed to have desire to keep Carrara Cafe going for us. I admit I've got scared that maybe it was canceled, but since I can log in to Carrara Cafe e-mail system, I think there is an error from hosting side or maybe some Carrara Cafe's wordpress plug-in got an update that crashed everything, but that wouldn;t explain why I am not able to login to hosting services and troubleshoot.
Anyway, I asked Steven from Daz3D if they could initiate Carrara Cafe hosting account recovery and lets hope for the best.
And Wendy, there is nothing bad about moving forward and using up to date tools for what you do. We all know that, no matter what, Carrara will have a special place in our hearts, But life goes on and so do we all. On the mean time I will keep on dreaming what Carrara 9 could have been. And what surprises Carrara 2024 could have brought. :)
best of luck
+ 2
Thank you Danas. If you do that and need help, I bet you could find it among Carrarists. I, for one, do not know if I would be able to help, but would like to know about it.
Samuel, in your "3D Graphics Adventures for hobbyists(YouTube videos & shorts)" link you seem to have a lot of interesting stuff! I must explore it soon. Thank you :-)
Tha ks for the update Jetbird
+ 1
Thank you. I wanted to post more stuff, but I do not get subscribers (probably because videos are not good or people are losing interest in Carrara), therefore, progress is slow. If I can get 500 + subscribers, then I can probably make a video for hobbyists to create a Hollywood-like movie clip or previz using Carrara and Genesis 2's power.
Sorry it took so long, but Carrara Cafe is back!
Steve from DAZ3D was really helpfull and we arranged a new entrance for me so i could log in to the hosting and with the help from custumer support we were able to eliminate the cause of the issue.
I know there were some new things made for Carrara so the authors can contact me to upload the news and plug-ins to Cafe, so that they would also be seen there.
Hope all is well!
By the way, any recoomendation what could replace wordpress as cms? I am thinking to part ways with wordpress and redo Carrara Cafe to something less problematic.
Maybe we have someone familiar with Jekyll or somethng I could consult with?
Oh wow, Danas. This is great news!
But now we also want your own website back online :-)
Just joking, thanks so much fo solving the problem and still loving Carrara.