Heavy on V4/M4 content, should I consider the new V7/M7 gen?

Hi guys.
My content library is mostly v4/m4 generation. I almost have nothing for any generation of Genesis. But I see the new hype is V7/M7 and it's base is Genesis 3. Is it wise to consider changing to those figures knowing there is a way to salvage and continue to use all my v4/m4 content on the new figures? Or is it too complicated, meaning there are no easy auto-fiting solution?
And I don't only mean clothing and props. I mean texture (skins) and poses too.
Textures are not directly compatible, there is a tool at Renderosity that with a plug-in will convert or you can do it for free with Blender.
Morphs can be converted, stepwise, through the Transfer Utility or there will be an updated version of GenX that will convert to Genesis 3.
Poses can, I think, be covnerted though it may again be stepwise.
Bummer. That doesn't sounds simple...
Thank you for your answer.