Easy way to tweak parameter values in Daz

AFAIK, the only ways to change parameters are:
- Click on value, type in new value.
- Click on slider to jump to value (if limits are set)
- Click on little Plus or Minus icon.
- Click and drag handles (for Translation/Rotation/Scale)
Sometimes, though I want to tweak a morph or some other parameter a bit at a time. Dragging the sliders can be too coarse sometimes, and click-click-click gets old, specially when my mouse strays and I jump from 11.5% to 100%. Typing new values each time is even worse.
I would be nice to mouse over a parameter and use the right/left arrow keys, +/- keys, the mouse wheel, or some other input to get a small jump. The parameters seem to get 'selected' as the border changes color when I mouse over them or move up and down with the up/down arrow keys (the color is yellow on my setup), but there seems to be no keyboard input linked to it.
(Posted a thread on this a while back, but It's long dead.)
+1 on this suggestion.
I also have a couple more:
1) It'd be great if you could somehow switch the translation and rotation dials between three modes:
a) Dials operate as they do now.
b) Dials always operate relative to the scene origin, regardless of the rotation of the object or any of its parents
c) Dials move/rotate the object in the direction indicated by the on-screen red, green and blue arrows.
2) It'd also be great to be able to reverse the nature of rotations in multi-part objects. For example, when you rotate a character's foot, the leg (and everything else) holds steady and the foot rotates - which is normally what you want, but not always. It'd be good to be able to tell Daz to hold the foot steady and rotate the rest of the figure instead.
Have you looked at the coordinate system drop-down box at the top of Tool Settings?