Bad hips with G9 female with "Agile and Amazing Dodging" poses

hi all
I am trying to do a fight scene with G9 female using some poses from "Agile and Amazing Dodging"
But i am having some problems with really bad hips.
The attached images are of Victoria 9
!/ its really messing up the shot I want
2/ its really issing me off as I cannot work out how to fix it.
Any help as always is really welcome.

bad hips 001.png
1280 x 720 - 1M

bad hips 002.png
1280 x 720 - 1M

bad hips 003.png
1280 x 720 - 811K
Post edited by myotherworld on
This looks like it's caused by character-specific JCMs that are activating when they shouldn't. Go to the Parameters tab. Click on the burger above it, select Preferences >> Show Hidden Properties. Select G9 and then, in the Parameters tab, "Currently Used". Go through the currently used parameters looking for hidden morphs with names that contain the names of characters that aren't currently active, and turn them down.
thanks will give that a go
Back again.
OK so I followed the steps
select Preferences >> Show Hidden Properties. Select G9 and then, in the Parameters tab, "Currently Used". Go through the currently used parameters looking for hidden morphs with names that contain the names of characters that aren't currently active
see image
didnt find anything that looked out of place.
so still stuck?
Hmm. This might be the rare case of the opposite problem, which is all of your joint correctives being off. There should be a few dozen greyed-out corrective morphs for Genesis 9 and for Victoria 9 specifically visible in this view. Make sure the correctives in my screenshot, which will be near the top of the list when you select "all", are on.
Sorry for not getting back sooner.
Had a look at those setting and sadly they make no differance, she still has bad hips.
I have tried turning off limits with no joy
I keep saying that:
Every character needs its own set of specific taylored JCMs on top of the base figure JCMs.
And this is especially true for G9 (at least the female G9), because of its mesh design, that mostly depends on subdivisions, but not on clever pose supporting mesh geometry.