uberenvironment 2 lightened edge problem... help
So I have recently finally decided to play with some renders for fun and really enjoy Uberenvironment 2 (omni freaker I think?). Real happy except I keep getting a lightened edge when ever two objects overlap. On this test render, I have a sphere about half way into a plane. See the lightened or glowing line where the sphere in hitting the plane? Anyone know what would cause that? I'm using DAZ 4.7 with the Uber set to high quality.
Here's the settings for the light
Intensity 100%, intensity scale 100%, Color white (255,255,255), Environment mode- "Occlusional w/directional Shadows, Saturation, Occlusional Strenght and indirect lighting Strength all set to 100%, Occlusion color black (0,0,0), Occlusion Samples 218, Shadow Bias 0.10, Shadign Rate 4.60, Max Error 0.10, Maximum Tace Distance 150.00
Daz Render settings are as follows
Progressive Rendering off, Sampling- Max Ray Trace Depth 2, Pixel Samples (X)4, Pixel Samples (Y)4, Shadow Samples 16, Gain 1.00, Gamma Correction off, Gamma 1.00, Shading Rate 1.00,
Anyone that might have a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Does the same happen if you replace the plane with a cube?
Is there a map (HDR) set for the light or is it just the 'base'?
Try a smaller or negative Shadow Bias. Change the light's shading rate to a whole number (more efficient). Change the Occlusion Samples to something that is a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc)...it's more 'efficient'. Up the Trace Distance...that distance is in cm.
Yes. I'll post a test usign a V4 with a decent texture map in a bit. Thanks
Thanks so much for the suggestions. I'll try those.
Here is a V4 with a texture on a plane she is going through. The edge where the two cross through each other shows up light almost white.
Tried those suggestions, but I still get that lit up edge. Its bad when I have a figure's feet touching the ground. Kind of bothersome when the rest of the render looks so good. Here is a close up of the V4 character going through the plane and the lighten edge.
For me Occlusion samples only need to be at 128, UE2 shading rate could be lower for better results but it depends on what light mode UE2 is in. For normal Occlusion with Directional or Soft Shadows 4.00 should be ok. For Indirect Lighting and GI you many need to go down as far as 0.10 but as you have found meshes shouldn't intersect when using UE2.