Supernatural Poses for G3F and Arabella 7 *with freebie!* [commercial]
Whether its sleeping on the ceiling, alien abduction, angry spirits out for revenge or a powerful sorceress commanding the elements, this set of highly detailed poses has you covered.
25 DUF poses for Genesis 3 Female and 25 DUF poses for Arabella 7
- 13 Flying/floating Poses
- 1 Laying Pose
- 3 Running Poses
- 3 Crouching Poses
- 1 Standing Pose
- 4 Wall Crawl Poses
A few samples:
As this is the season of giving, I thought I should do a free sample for everyone to go along with my new product,
so here is 1 free pose and 1 facial expression for G3F and Arabella 7 (4 pose presets in all).
The files can be found under
...People\Genesis 3 Female\Poses\Tako Yakida\Freebies\Genesis 3 Female
...People\Genesis 3 Female\Poses\Tako Yakida\Freebies\Arabella 7
Here's what it will look like:
Enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!
thanks !
You're welcome! :)
Here's a sample render with Arabella 7 (I fed her well, before the shoot) using my Flying 13 pose.
Hope you like!!!
Here's another example. Thanks for checking it out!