Carrara can empower 3D hobbyists way way faster

Samuel S.Samuel S. Posts: 324
edited April 2024 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara can empower 3D hobbyists way way faster than any other 3D software that I am aware of. This is where its power and marketing value lies Like VFX, SKY, Terrain, Ocean, 3D modeling, Animation etc. etc. I think it does need new PBR based rendering and character animation tool like rig controls. Add a bit of AI and then based on its attractive price and perpetual license; it could be a dominating force along side DAZ Studio.


Post edited by Samuel S. on


  • FettbemmeFettbemme Posts: 319
    edited April 2024

    Samuel S. said:

    Carrara can empower 3D hobbyists way way faster than any other 3D software that I am aware of. This is where its power and marketing value lies Like VFX, SKY, Terrain, Ocean, 3D modeling, Animation etc. etc. I think it does need new PBR based rendering and character animation tool like rig controls. Add a bit of AI and then based on its attractive price and perpetual license; it could be a dominating force along side DAZ Studio.


    I think what is needed is a working download for the Carrara SDK.

    What else is needed visual realtime updates for Modifiers

    The Vertexmodeler needs improving (Display preferences what you want to see to reduce consumption of systemresources — display Edges, Vertices or Faces and if you really want to crawl your system to a halt leave it as it is right now and just display everything. Vertices, Edges and Faces all at the same time!!!)

    Itegrate a better working version of LuxCore!

    Make a production-stable Industrystandard Python Plugin Pipeline like in Blender.





    Committ yourself to your customers and don't leave them in the corner with silly popup ads.

    Committ yourself!!! Seriously!!!

    Answer all support requests!!!

    Committment is half the dose needed to be a trustworthy player in the game!

    — kind regards —

    Post edited by Fettbemme on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited April 2024

    Carrara certainly is a Gem!

    Especially regarding the title of the thread! Carrara ROCKS for home or office CG!

    The smooth workings between it and anything Genesis 2 and earlier as far as off-the-shelf compatibility - for the most part, but far beyond figure compatibility, 8.5's new Shader and Sequencer tools make this puppy really sing - not to mentiontion everything else it has going for it.

    As far as PBR, I think it would be cool if OTOY would come up with a free version for Carrara like they do Studio... that would be Killer! And would solve the PBR thing. If you've never tried Octane, try it in DS following these simple videos (All Free) - but if one can afford the OctaneRender subscription... hey!


    When I'm in Carrara, I really enjoy using it's powerhouse render engine - the thing is so fun to set up in different ways to get the visuals I want. 


    As far as VFX goes, Carrara can render Beautiful FX shots already produced with a nice Alpha channel along with a plethors of other, easy to set up multipass options that make post work a Lot of fun and flexibility!


    Man, I've seen some of the onboard FX primitives get ridiculed, but are they ever cool for making things like this! I mean... the fog primitive animates in So Many Ways, with just the flick of some dials and picks from the color picker... Bam! The Fire can be all kinds of things and - if we were with this all long enough where we got our hands on Inagoni's plugins... Yikes!!! PrimiVol still makes the best CG Sci-Fi Star Ship engine flames!!! 


    I also love how easy it is to just quickly build a 3D object - however we decide to cerate it. Heck... it could be a circle, for all that matters, add some rigging to it, perhaps a modifier or three... we can make such cool things that can be animated into special FX! 


    Just using Carrara to create VFX as 3D animation elements should be a big draw right there - and we're not even close to one one-quadra-bazillionth of what we can do in this thing! :)


    I'm surprised that it's not popular enough to warrant development. Maybe that's not it at all and something else (like Genesis 3+ compatibility) is throwing a Monkey Wrench into the works.... ?


    With GenX2, I can reliably get Genesis 3, 2 and Generation 4 and 3 morphs onto Genesis 1 - which is a great figure to work with, I think. Genesis 2, even, if you like that generation better. I still use all of the generations except for Genesis 9, which crashes my machine as does Genesis 8.1 Female, and it's really rare for me to go back to 1 and 2 since Genesis came out. 


    The volumetric cone lighting alone makes for excellent CG alpha shots for VFX, and we can render to alpha lens flares accurate to the placement of the camera. That's Sweet!


    Speaking of plugins, we have PyCloid and our particles emitters! Haven't tried PyCloid, but it looks cool! I did try FractalDimensia's Flocking, which was a Lot of Fun!!!


    All of the flexibility that with have with file handling and shader creation - especially if we add the overflowing wealth of plugins we can add for that! Sheeesh!

    Did you know that we can load in an avi and render it to sequenced images and vice versa? Even render to (but not open) animated GIF!!! Just open the thing in the Render Room and Save As... whatever!


    Built-in entirely flexible shadow catching capabilities are great for creating masks for VFX Elements that cast shadows. Get the dimensions of the room and what's in it and recreate that with primitives with shadow catcher shader... Bam!!! Even animated!


    I absolutely LOVE how we can drag a selection around ANY (even All) key frames in the sequencer, and it's now (8.5) got a little ghost box around it. Drag the top of the box up or down to increase or decrease the values controlled by those frames. Side-to-side for stretching of constricting... very handy!!!


    I could never use the linear lights until 8.5's enhanced light avatars. Now I use them All the Time!!! I mean... they mimic tube lighting pretty well! 


    I got absolutely addicted to making simple models and painting them in 3D Paint and/or shaping them in a very similar way using the paint deform in vertex modeling - so cool!!! 


    With the addition of just a few, simple bones, I made a sci-fi computer console that we could make into endless shapes with simply because I didn't enforce a single limit on any of the rigging bones! So any bone could be scaled, moved, and rotated with ease - making sci-fi decorations a breeze! The controls and buttons, etc., were all just simple models, also made in Carrara, that were parented to the face of the console, so they would follow the vertices as I's shape the rig - without deforming the actual controls or buttons. etc.,, which have Very Nice shaders! Translucent, and some transparent buttons that could illuminate or dim with the simple dial of the Glow channel which, like pretty much Everything in Carrara, can be animated. We can even control shader aspects with videos or sequenced images! So Cool!!!


    FluidOs for Carrara is Killer... and it's Free!!! What? Yeah... I know!


    Well, I could keep going but it's time for this one to get some shut-eye! ;)


    Looking for Carrara Plugins? Look No Further!

    To see what I have for free Carrara stuff, check navgation bar at the top of my website and go through Gallery > Downloads. That opens up to a few different places.

    That navigation bar also makes it a lot easier to find your way around the many Carrara sections. If you can't seem to find what you're looking for, maybe try looking into the various CG Workshop categories, which is where a bunch of my Character Development, Animation and other articles are - it's just the flow that works best for me is all. 

    Let me know if you need any help with something.

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • Samuel S.Samuel S. Posts: 324

    Fettbemme said:

    Samuel S. said:

    Carrara can empower 3D hobbyists way way faster than any other 3D software that I am aware of. This is where its power and marketing value lies Like VFX, SKY, Terrain, Ocean, 3D modeling, Animation etc. etc. I think it does need new PBR based rendering and character animation tool like rig controls. Add a bit of AI and then based on its attractive price and perpetual license; it could be a dominating force along side DAZ Studio.


    I think what is needed is a working download for the Carrara SDK.

    What else is needed visual realtime updates for Modifiers

    The Vertexmodeler needs improving (Display preferences what you want to see to reduce consumption of systemresources — display Edges, Vertices or Faces and if you really want to crawl your system to a halt leave it as it is right now and just display everything. Vertices, Edges and Faces all at the same time!!!)

    Itegrate a better working version of LuxCore!

    Make a production-stable Industrystandard Python Plugin Pipeline like in Blender.





    Committ yourself to your customers and don't leave them in the corner with silly popup ads.

    Committ yourself!!! Seriously!!!

    Answer all support requests!!!

    Committment is half the dose needed to be a trustworthy player in the game!

    — kind regards —


    Thank you for your feedback. Hopefully, DAZ's development will take a look at the requested items.

  • Samuel S.Samuel S. Posts: 324

    Dartanbeck said:

    Carrara certainly is a Gem!

    Especially regarding the title of the thread! Carrara ROCKS for home or office CG!

    The smooth workings between it and anything Genesis 2 and earlier as far as off-the-shelf compatibility - for the most part, but far beyond figure compatibility, 8.5's new Shader and Sequencer tools make this puppy really sing - not to mentiontion everything else it has going for it.

    As far as PBR, I think it would be cool if OTOY would come up with a free version for Carrara like they do Studio... that would be Killer! And would solve the PBR thing. If you've never tried Octane, try it in DS following these simple videos (All Free) - but if one can afford the OctaneRender subscription... hey!


    When I'm in Carrara, I really enjoy using it's powerhouse render engine - the thing is so fun to set up in different ways to get the visuals I want. 


    As far as VFX goes, Carrara can render Beautiful FX shots already produced with a nice Alpha channel along with a plethors of other, easy to set up multipass options that make post work a Lot of fun and flexibility!


    Man, I've seen some of the onboard FX primitives get ridiculed, but are they ever cool for making things like this! I mean... the fog primitive animates in So Many Ways, with just the flick of some dials and picks from the color picker... Bam! The Fire can be all kinds of things and - if we were with this all long enough where we got our hands on Inagoni's plugins... Yikes!!! PrimiVol still makes the best CG Sci-Fi Star Ship engine flames!!! 


    I also love how easy it is to just quickly build a 3D object - however we decide to cerate it. Heck... it could be a circle, for all that matters, add some rigging to it, perhaps a modifier or three... we can make such cool things that can be animated into special FX! 


    Just using Carrara to create VFX as 3D animation elements should be a big draw right there - and we're not even close to one one-quadra-bazillionth of what we can do in this thing! :)


    I'm surprised that it's not popular enough to warrant development. Maybe that's not it at all and something else (like Genesis 3+ compatibility) is throwing a Monkey Wrench into the works.... ?


    With GenX2, I can reliably get Genesis 3, 2 and Generation 4 and 3 morphs onto Genesis 1 - which is a great figure to work with, I think. Genesis 2, even, if you like that generation better. I still use all of the generations except for Genesis 9, which crashes my machine as does Genesis 8.1 Female, and it's really rare for me to go back to 1 and 2 since Genesis came out. 


    The volumetric cone lighting alone makes for excellent CG alpha shots for VFX, and we can render to alpha lens flares accurate to the placement of the camera. That's Sweet!


    Speaking of plugins, we have PyCloid and our particles emitters! Haven't tried PyCloid, but it looks cool! I did try FractalDimensia's Flocking, which was a Lot of Fun!!!


    All of the flexibility that with have with file handling and shader creation - especially if we add the overflowing wealth of plugins we can add for that! Sheeesh!

    Did you know that we can load in an avi and render it to sequenced images and vice versa? Even render to (but not open) animated GIF!!! Just open the thing in the Render Room and Save As... whatever!


    Built-in entirely flexible shadow catching capabilities are great for creating masks for VFX Elements that cast shadows. Get the dimensions of the room and what's in it and recreate that with primitives with shadow catcher shader... Bam!!! Even animated!


    I absolutely LOVE how we can drag a selection around ANY (even All) key frames in the sequencer, and it's now (8.5) got a little ghost box around it. Drag the top of the box up or down to increase or decrease the values controlled by those frames. Side-to-side for stretching of constricting... very handy!!!


    I could never use the linear lights until 8.5's enhanced light avatars. Now I use them All the Time!!! I mean... they mimic tube lighting pretty well! 


    I got absolutely addicted to making simple models and painting them in 3D Paint and/or shaping them in a very similar way using the paint deform in vertex modeling - so cool!!! 


    With the addition of just a few, simple bones, I made a sci-fi computer console that we could make into endless shapes with simply because I didn't enforce a single limit on any of the rigging bones! So any bone could be scaled, moved, and rotated with ease - making sci-fi decorations a breeze! The controls and buttons, etc., were all just simple models, also made in Carrara, that were parented to the face of the console, so they would follow the vertices as I's shape the rig - without deforming the actual controls or buttons. etc.,, which have Very Nice shaders! Translucent, and some transparent buttons that could illuminate or dim with the simple dial of the Glow channel which, like pretty much Everything in Carrara, can be animated. We can even control shader aspects with videos or sequenced images! So Cool!!!


    FluidOs for Carrara is Killer... and it's Free!!! What? Yeah... I know!


    Well, I could keep going but it's time for this one to get some shut-eye! ;)


    Looking for Carrara Plugins? Look No Further!

    To see what I have for free Carrara stuff, check navgation bar at the top of my website and go through Gallery > Downloads. That opens up to a few different places.

    That navigation bar also makes it a lot easier to find your way around the many Carrara sections. If you can't seem to find what you're looking for, maybe try looking into the various CG Workshop categories, which is where a bunch of my Character Development, Animation and other articles are - it's just the flow that works best for me is all. 

    Let me know if you need any help with something.

    Thank you for sharing valuable information. Carrara allows me to do everything in one place and is also an excellent previz tool that increases productivity.



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